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8 IT Essentials: PC Harware and Software Companion GuideTable 10-4DoDealing with a Rude Customer Dos and Don’tsDon’tListen carefully, because you do not want to askthe customer to repeat any information.Follow a step-by-step approach to determiningand solving the problem.If the customer has a favorite technician, try tocontact that technician to see if he or she cantake the call. For example, tell the customer, “Ican either help you right now or see if (thepreferred technician) is available. He will beavailable in two hours. Is that acceptable?” If thecustomer wants to wait for the other technician,record this in the ticket.Apologize for the wait time and the inconvenience,even if there has been no wait time.Reiterate that you want to solve the customer’sproblem as quickly as possible.Ask the customer to follow anyobvious steps if there is any way youcan determine the problem without thecustomer.Be rude to the customer.Angry CustomerAn angry customer talks loudly during the call and often tries to speak when the technicianis talking. Angry customers are usually frustrated that they have a problem and upset thatthey have to call somebody to fix it. Table 10-5 lists dos and don’ts for dealing with anangry customer.Table 10-5DoDealing with an Angry Customer Dos and Don’tsDon’tLet the customer explain his problem withoutinterrupting, even if he is angry. This allows thecustomer to release some of his anger beforeyou proceed.Sympathize with the customer’s problem.Apologize for the wait time or inconvenience.If at all possible, try not to put thiscustomer on hold or transfer the call.Spend call time talking about whatcaused the problem. Instead, redirect theconversation to solving the problem.

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