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8 IT Essentials: PC Harware and Software Companion Guideto the battery. If the switching device fails, the battery will not be able to supply powerto the computer.Figure 2-2 shows some examples of surge suppressors, UPSs, and SPS devices.Figure 2-2Surge Suppressors and UPS DevicesCautionNever plug a printer into a UPS device because this can overheat the printer motor.Identify Safety Procedures to Protect theEnvironment from ContaminationComputers and peripherals can contain materials that are harmful to the environment.Waste materials are listed as hazardous because they are known to be harmful and need tobe disposed of properly. Also called toxic waste, hazardous materials typically contain highconcentrations of heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, or mercury. Always contact thelocal recycling or waste removal authorities in your community for information about disposalprocedures and disposal services.Material Safety Data SheetA material safety data sheet (MSDS) is a fact sheet that summarizes information aboutmaterial identification, including hazardous ingredients that can affect personal health, firehazards, and first aid requirements. As Figure 2-3 shows, the MSDS contains chemicalreactivity and incompatibility information that includes spill, leak, and disposal procedures.It also includes protective measures for the safe handling and storage of materials.

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