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14 IT Essentials: PC Harware and Software Companion GuideLevels of Permission for Folders and FilesPermission levels are configured to limit individual or group user access to specific data.Both FAT and NTFS allow folder sharing and folder-level permissions for users with networkaccess. NTFS folder permissions are categorized as follows:■■■■■■Full Control: This allows the user or group to change permissions of the folder, takeownership of it, and perform all activities included in all other permissions.Modify: Delete the folder plus perform actions permitted.Read and Execute: Move through folders to reach other files and folders, even if theusers don’t have permission for those folders, and perform actions permitted by theRead permission and List Folder Contents permission.List Folder Contents: See the names of the files and subfolders in the folder.Read: See files and subfolders in the folder and view folder ownership, permission,and attributes.Write: Create new files and subfolders within the folder, change folder attributes, andview folder ownership and permissions.NTFS provides additional security of file-level permissions:■■■■■Full Control: Change permissions and take ownership, plus perform the actions permittedby all other NTFS file permissions.Modify: Modify and delete the file, plus perform the actions permitted by the Writepermission and Read and Execute permission.Read and Execute: Run applications, plus perform the actions permitted by the Readpermission.Read: Read the file and view file attributes, ownership, and permissions.Write: Overwrite the file, change file attributes, and view file ownership and permissions.Wireless Security ConfigurationThe following tools are used to configure wireless security:■■■Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP): Encrypts the broadcast data between the wirelessaccess point and the client using a 64-bit or 128-bit encryption key.Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA): Provides better encryption and authentication thanWEP.MAC address filtering: Restricts computer access to a wireless access point to preventthe casual user from accessing the network. MAC address filtering is vulnerable whenused alone and should be combined with other security filtering.

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