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22 IT Essentials: PC Harware and Software Companion GuideStep 2.Step 3.Step 4.Step 5.Step 6.Connect the access point to the existing network. On the back of the LinksysWRT300N router are five ports. Connect a DSL or cable modem to the portlabeled “Internet.” The device’s switching logic forwards all the packets throughthis port when communication exists to and from the Internet and other connectedcomputers. Connect one computer to any of the remaining ports to access theconfiguration web pages.Turn on the broadband modem, and plug the power cord into the router. Whenthe modem finishes establishing a connection to the ISP, the router automaticallycommunicates with the modem to receive network information from the ISP thatis necessary to gain access to the Internet: IP address, subnet mask, and DNSserver addresses.When the router has established communication with the modem, you must configurethe router to communicate with the devices on the network. Turn on thecomputer that is connected to the router. Open a web browser. In the Addressfield, enter This is the default address for router configuration andmanagement.A security window prompts you for authentication to access the router configurationscreens. Leave the user name field empty. Enter admin as the defaultpassword. When you are logged in, the first setup screen appears.Continue with the setup. The setup screen has tabs that have subtabs. You mustclick Save Settings at the bottom of each screen after making any changes.When you use the configuration screens of the 300N router, you can click the Help tab tosee additional information about a tab. For information beyond what is shown on the helpscreen, consult the user manual.Lab 15.5.2: Configure a Wireless RouterIn this lab, you install a wireless router. Refer to the lab in IT Essentials: PC Hardware andSoftware Labs and Study Guide, Third Edition. You may perform this lab now or wait untilthe end of the chapter.Test the ConnectionIt may be difficult to know if your wireless connection is working properly, even whenWindows indicates that you are connected. You may be connected to a wireless access pointor home gateway, but you may not be connected to the Internet. The easiest way to test foran Internet connection is to open a web browser and see if the Internet is available. To troubleshoota wireless connection, you can use the Windows GUI or CLI.

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