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6 IT Essentials: PC Harware and Software Companion Guide■■■■Avoid file duplication and corruption: A server manages network resources. Serversstore data and share it with users on a network. Confidential or sensitive data can beprotected and shared with the users who have permission to access that data.Document-tracking software can be used to prevent users from overwriting files, orchanging files that others are accessing at the same time.Lower-cost licensing: Application licensing can be expensive for individual computers.Many software vendors offer site licenses for networks, which can dramatically reducethe cost of software. The site license allows a group of people or an entire organizationto use the application for a single fee.Centralized administration: Centralized administration reduces the number of peopleneeded to manage the devices and data on the network, reducing time and cost to thecompany. Individual network users do not need to manage their own data and devices.One administrator can control the data, devices, and permissions of users on the network.Backing up data is easier because the data is stored in a central location.Conserve resources: Data processing can be distributed across many computers to preventone computer from becoming overloaded with processing tasks.Describe Types of NetworksData networks continue to evolve in complexity, use, and design. Different types of networkshave different descriptive names. A computer network is identified by the followingspecific characteristics:■■■■■■The area it servesHow the data is storedHow the resources are managedHow the network is organizedThe type of networking devices usedThe type of media used to connect the devicesAfter completing this section, you will meet these objectives:■■■■■Describe a LAN.Describe a WAN.Describe a WLAN.Explain peer-to-peer networks.Explain client/server networks.

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