Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net


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130 crossin, hayman, <strong>and</strong> taylorintergovernmental support <strong>and</strong> intelligence to a CTR. Other nongovernmentalorganizations like Global Witness, Global Survival Network,WildAid, <strong>and</strong> the Environmental Investigation Agency have alsocarried out extensive investigations into trade routes of particularforms of contrab<strong>and</strong>.Interagency Partnerships. Multiagency partnerships may also benecessary. The U.K. Metropolitan Police’s Operation Charm has linkedwith the East Asian traditional medicine community <strong>and</strong> wildlife conservationnongovernmental organizations to educate traders <strong>and</strong> increasepublic awareness of the trade in endangered species throughwidely publicized enforcement actions, public information packs, <strong>and</strong>new forensic resources.Clear processes can be set up to allow field observation <strong>and</strong> intelligencefrom industry informants, the public, <strong>and</strong> nongovernmentalorganizations to be relayed through appropriate government <strong>and</strong> enforcementagencies. Established <strong>net</strong>works of local <strong>and</strong> internationalnongovernmental organizations already exist <strong>and</strong> can be further promoted<strong>and</strong> developed.Whether it is better to have a specialized unit or a multiple-agencypartnership or simply to provide general training to all enforcementagents depends on the size of the available resources. Multiple-agencypartnerships often lack dedicated budgets <strong>and</strong> tend to be highly dependenton the goodwill of the participants involved. When few dedicatedresources are available, it may be better to concentrate them inaspecialist unit to prevent dilution <strong>and</strong> loss of enthusiasm. Wherelarger funds are available, it may be possible to integrate an underst<strong>and</strong>ingof the basic principles <strong>and</strong> aims of specific CTRs into the curriculaof law enforcement agencies <strong>and</strong> customs <strong>and</strong> to take a phasedapproach to capacity building through clustering <strong>and</strong> training-thetrainerprograms.Effective (Criminal) Sanctions. Penalties are often inadequate <strong>and</strong>may be treated more as operating costs for unscrupulous entrepreneursthan as a serious deterrent to market entry. Even when deterrentpenalties are permitted in national legislation, they may not be appliedby the judiciary, which is generally unaware of the aim <strong>and</strong> purpose ofCTRs <strong>and</strong> the potentially devastating effects of their violation. A lackof awareness <strong>and</strong> cooperation among prosecutors <strong>and</strong> investigatorsmay lead to loss of cases through technicalities. In addition, costs ofenforcement tend to be “sunk” <strong>and</strong> are rarely recovered on successfulprosecution of offenders. 14The use of criminal sanctions to deter some of the more seriousCTR breaches on hazardous waste <strong>and</strong> endangered species has gained

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