Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net


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index 371administrations, 316–17; publicpolitical risk insurance market,324–27; <strong>and</strong> relationship withnational governments, 314–16;reputation damage risk, 194–97;risk sharing <strong>and</strong> transfer,321–27; social <strong>and</strong> commercialdisincentives, 287–88; <strong>and</strong> socialimpact assessment, 331; strategicrelationships, 314–21; Sudan casehistory, 334–40; training hostgovernmentsecurity forces,320–21; U.S.-U.K. VoluntaryPrinciples on Security <strong>and</strong> HumanRights, 328. See also Corporateconduct enforcement measures;Junior companies; MajorcompaniesAUPEC: natural resource taxconsultancy review of Angolan oilrevenue reporting, 87Australia: aboriginal society leaders’decisions, 317; <strong>and</strong> Cambodia’sForest Crimes MonitoringUnit, 180; claims on portionsof Antarctica, 157–58 n19Azerbaijan: <strong>and</strong> businessdiversification, 328–29; casestudy, 84–86; <strong>and</strong> InternationalAlert, 328–29; resource revenuereporting, 47; ROSC preparation,60–61; State Oil Fund for theAzerbaijan Republic, 84–86Banks: <strong>and</strong> certification, 179; rolein global efforts to reduceconflicts, 14–15; “white list,”79, 194Basel Convention on the Control ofTransboundary Shipments ofHazardous Waste: “due care”requirement, 141; easy forgery ofpaper documents, 119; “hazardouswaste” definition, 103; lack ofindependent monitoring, 118;memor<strong>and</strong>a of underst<strong>and</strong>ing withInterpol <strong>and</strong> the World CustomsOrganization, 107, 156 n5;overlapping reportingrequirements, 108; reportingst<strong>and</strong>ards, 106; “wastes”definition, 156 n2Basel Group of Bank Supervisors:revised st<strong>and</strong>ards for assessingrisk to bank capital, 162Basque Fatherl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> LibertyParty: <strong>and</strong> illegal drugtrafficking, 204Belgium: judicial proceedings againstindividuals dealing in conflictcommodities, 240BHP Billiton: involvement in theMozal aluminum smelter project,324; percentage of the world’srough diamonds mined by,157 n17Black markets: <strong>and</strong> embargoes, 175;<strong>and</strong> illegal drug trafficking, 203;<strong>and</strong> market-supply dynamicscontextual consideration of CTRs,136–37; <strong>and</strong> terrorism, 169Blair, U.K. Prime Minister Tony:comments on OECD’s Guidelinesfor Multinational Enterprises, 262;endorsement of the Publish WhatYou Pay campaign, 76; WorldSummit on SustainableDevelopment meeting, 265Bolivia: terrorism’s role in sustainedconflict, 170Booty futures: criminalization of,14–15; description of the term,4–5, 32; historical features of,37 n16; market for, 32; self-fulfillingproperties of, 32–33; UnitedNations sanctions on, 34–35Botswana: constitutional basis forthe role of the Auditor General,83; Debswana joint venturemining company, 92 n40;diamond resources, 9, 11;diamonds as the chief source ofnatural resource revenue, 82, 245;economic policies for avoiding

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