Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net


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402 indexSri Lanka: double agenda of peacetransition <strong>and</strong> rearmament, 253;Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam,170, 204; relationship betweenterrorists <strong>and</strong> organizedcrime, 168Stabex: <strong>and</strong> automaticity, 359; <strong>and</strong>the Cotonou agreement, 359–60;description, 10, 358Stabilization funds, 53–54, 357State Oil Fund for the AzerbaijanRepublic: amount of revenuereceived, 84; description, 84; <strong>and</strong>“Dutch disease,” 84; independentaudit requirement, 86; laxity ofexpenditure rules, 86; lines ofaccountability, 85; World Bank<strong>and</strong> IMF role in setting up, 84Stockholm Convention on PersistentOrganic Pollutants: overlappingreporting requirements, 108;pilot programs to streamlineinformation, 109; provisions toassist developing states meetreporting <strong>and</strong> enforcementst<strong>and</strong>ards, 132Stock listings <strong>and</strong> exchanges:activist shareholders <strong>and</strong> sociallyresponsible investment, 303–4;brokers who specialize in the“dirty work” of obtainingresource concessions, 265;corporate codes <strong>and</strong> stockexchange regulations, 302–3;disclosure levels, 264; Dow JonesSustainability Index, 265;FSTE4Good Index of ethicalcompanies, 265, 304; <strong>and</strong> PublishWhat You Pay campaign, 50–51,76, 265Sudan: campaign against internationaloil companies, 338;civil war, 334, 335–36; <strong>and</strong>economic supervision, 255;Inter-Governmental Authority onDevelopment peace process, 336;international consortia activein, 335; issues in common withMyanmar, 340; Khartoumgovernment in, 336–37;Machakos protocol, 336;<strong>and</strong> nongovernmental organizations,337; oil companies’responsibilities toward thegovernment, 338; oil development,337; opportunities in, 335;questions for the future, 340;rebel group financing, 33; recentgovernance problems relatedto resource revenue, 90 n2;reputation concerns for internationalcompanies, 296; SudanPeople’s Liberation Army (SPLA),29, 336; Talisman Energy’sinvestment in, 300–301, 305,327, 335, 338–40Sudan Focal Point, 337Sudapet: oil consortiummember, 335Sullivan, Reverend Leon: rolein advising U.S. companies,348–49 n15Sustainable development. See Globale-Sustainability Initiative; Mining,Minerals, <strong>and</strong> SustainableDevelopment ProjectSwitzerl<strong>and</strong>: judicial proceedingsagainst individuals dealing inconflict commodities, 240SYSMIN: <strong>and</strong> automaticity,366 n1Talisman Energy: Corporate SocialResponsibility 2001, 339;example of social awareness ofjunior companies, 300–301, 305;investment in Sudan, 300–301,305, 327, 335, 338–40; <strong>and</strong>ONGC Videsh, 327, 335,338–40Tantalum-niobium InternationalStudy Center, 267Tanzania: <strong>and</strong> African TradeInsurance Agency, 325; Denmark’s

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