Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net


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index 383international administrativecooperation, 198; internationalcooperation in confiscation,mutual assistance, <strong>and</strong>extradition, 198; internationalinitiatives, 161–62; internationaloversight coordination, 200;interrelation of exploiters,165–66; labeling of theorigination point of products,195; laundering techniques, 169;legitimate resource extractiondefinition, 166; literature on therelationship between resourceabuse <strong>and</strong> conflict, 164; measuresto cope with the problem ofcountries with no or insufficientanti–money laundering measures,196–97; “naming <strong>and</strong> shaming”initiatives, 162, 189–90, 267;need for an internationalframework covering the sale ofnatural resources used in conflictor accompanied by seriouscorruption, 191–92; privatesector seal initiatives, 162,186–89; prompt reporting ofsuspicious activities, 196;rebel groups financed by illicitcommodities, 168–69; rebelgroups’ relationship withorganized criminals, 168;recommendations, 195–200;record maintenance, 196; role ofindividual firms in combatingillicit commodities, 195; <strong>and</strong>self-regulatory organizations, 162;strengthening of internationalcooperation, 197–200; tools togenerate illicit proceeds, 170;tools to layer illicit proceeds inorder to hide their actualownership, 170–71; tools toreinvest, use, or expend illicitproceeds, 171; types of entitiesexploiting illicit commodities,167–70Firearms: certification programs,178–79; disagreement on thedefinition of “small arms,” 104;<strong>and</strong> embargoes, 174; trackingsystem to trace, 103; UnitedNations Protocol against theIllicit Manufacturing of <strong>and</strong>Trafficking in Firearms, TheirParts <strong>and</strong> Components, <strong>and</strong>Ammunition, 178, 192, 242–43,278 n24Fishing industry: fisheries conservationtreaty schemes to detect <strong>and</strong>sanction reflagged vessels, 126;<strong>and</strong> “freedom of the high seas,”140; India, Malaysia, Pakistan,Thail<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> United Statesshrimp-turtle dispute, 144–45;market-driven labeling schemes,112, 114; Mexico <strong>and</strong> UnitedStates tuna-dolphin dispute, 144;U.S. custom code for thePatagonian toothfish (Chileansea bass), 110FLEG. See Forest Law Enforcement<strong>and</strong> Governance MinisterialProcessFLEGT. See Forest Law Enforcement,Governance, <strong>and</strong> TradeForest certification schemes: amountof timber that is illegally exported,248; challenges to effectiveinstruments, 249–50; ISO 14001,249; Pan European ForestCertification Council, 249; usesof certification, 248. See alsoForest Stewardship Council;International Tropical TimberOrganization; Forest LawEnforcement, Governance, <strong>and</strong>Trade; Forest Law Enforcement<strong>and</strong> Governance MinisterialProcessForest Law Enforcement, Governance,<strong>and</strong> Trade: challenges toeffective certification instruments,249–50

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