Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net


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where did it come from? 157with UNEP <strong>and</strong> other biodiversity-related conventions. Further, the NairobiDeclaration on the Role <strong>and</strong> M<strong>and</strong>ate of UNEP (1997) identifies one of the coreUNEP purposes as developing “coherent interlinkages among existing internationalenvironmental conventions.” The European Environmental Agency isalso working on a range of projects regarding harmonizing reporting requirements,including the compilation of a database listing all obligations (legal <strong>and</strong>moral) resulting from reporting requirements under a wide range of internationalagreements.8. Developed from a diagram in Johnson <strong>and</strong> others (1998, p. 20).9. A valuable, white-fleshed fish caught in the southern ocean area, alsoknown as Chilean sea bass.10. The Centre for International <strong>and</strong> European Environmental Researchconducted research in 2000 on links between forest-related multilateral environmentalagreements at global, regional, <strong>and</strong> national levels <strong>and</strong> recommendedgreater use of technology in ensuring harmonized <strong>and</strong> complementary reportingof forest-related obligations to international bodies.11. Article 19, Basel convention.12. This problem is especially common in fisheries <strong>and</strong> forestry operations.Data from EU enforcement of its common fisheries policy show that there areabout 50,000 vessels spread across approximately 106 square kilometers ofsea, or an average of one vessel per 20 square kilometers. EU enforcementauthorities carried out 20,357 inspections in 1990. Hence, the average chanceof inspection is once every two years.13. Kyoto, January 31, 2000.14. Data from the Brazilian forest sector for 1996 show that only about26 percent of the cost of enforcement actions was covered by the fines awarded.See Amigos da Terra (1996).15. Barbados, Bulgaria, Chile, Ecuador, Guinea, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mali,Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Slovenia, <strong>and</strong> Zambia. Additional countrieswill participate in subregional consultations to share experiences <strong>and</strong> lessonsof the pilot countries.16. See www.unep.org/unep/gef.17. De Beers Consolidated Mines, Alrosa, Rio Tinto, <strong>and</strong> BHP Billitontogether mine approximately 76 percent of the world’s rough diamonds.18. This interaction between tightening regulations <strong>and</strong> crime was madevery clear in a U.S. court case in July 2000 where a Detroit-based companywas caught deliberately contaminating rivers with diesel fuel <strong>and</strong> other toxinswith the aim of profiting by providing a clean-up service. If the regulations didnot exist, the waste would not have been dumped in the river as a kind ofenvironmental “protection racket.”19. Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zeal<strong>and</strong>, Norway, <strong>and</strong> theUnited Kingdom all claim a specific portion of Antarctica; the claims ofArgentina, Chile, <strong>and</strong> the United Kingdom overlap. The United States <strong>and</strong>

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