Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net


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332 john brayInvolve the Insurance SectorExport Development Canada <strong>and</strong> other export credit agencies arealready requiring environmental <strong>and</strong> social impact assessments. Theyhave an interest in developing effective tools to ensure that these are carriedout effectively. Both the private <strong>and</strong> the public sectors should bemore explicit in offering lower premiums to companies that carry outdetailed risk assessments <strong>and</strong> take steps to mitigate the risks that areidentified. MIGA is specifically promoting South-South investment. Itshould use its influence to promote high st<strong>and</strong>ards among the companiesthat it sponsors.Promote Economic DiversificationOne aspect of the resource curse is the lack of economic diversification,<strong>and</strong> this can lead to outright conflict as well as a distorted economy.The need for diversification is one of the issues that emergefrom risk assessments. Companies, governments, <strong>and</strong> local civil societyshould work together to develop integrated regional developmentstrategies.Promote TransparencyThere is now an emerging national <strong>and</strong> international legal regime coveringcompanies that pay bribes outside their home countries. It is essentialto ensure that laws are implemented in the North <strong>and</strong> to build capacityin the South. In particular, Northern governments need to demonstratethat they are meeting their side of the bargain by implementing the newanticorruption laws passed as a result of the 1997 OECD convention.This means publicizing the laws, distributing them to their own businessconstituencies (surveys by both Transparency International <strong>and</strong> ControlRisks Group demonstrate high levels of ignorance <strong>and</strong> complacencyabout the new laws), <strong>and</strong> prosecuting offenders. So far, no country apartfrom the United States has prosecuted offenders under the new anticorruptionlaws. At the same time, it is important to help build government<strong>and</strong> judicial capacity in the South. Anticorruption initiatives are now animportant feature of many multilateral <strong>and</strong> bilateral aid programs. Thistrend should continue.Business people express concern that the Publish What You Paytransparency initiative is flawed because it does not cover all types ofcompanies. However, this is not a sufficient reason not to promote theinitiative. As with anticorruption legislation, it is useful for companies tohave an “alibi” so that they can tell officials that they have no choice butto comply.

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