Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net


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index 393Military forces: accrual of resourcerevenues by, 57–58; <strong>and</strong> controlof resource industries, 25–26;expenditures on, 25Mining, Minerals, <strong>and</strong> SustainableDevelopment Project: focus of, 72;<strong>and</strong> Global Reporting Initiativeguidelines, 73; potential strengths<strong>and</strong> weaknesses of, 73; recommendations,258–59; sector-specificsupplements, 70; suggestionsrelevant to revenue transparency,74; survey of mining companies,293; transparency agreements, 49;<strong>and</strong> World Business Council forSustainable Development, 72Mining industry: assessing thecommercial viability of a newproject, 287; association withpoor governance <strong>and</strong> conflict, 288;attracting reputable companies torisky environments, 287–347;fall in base metal prices, 291;investment climate, 291; jointventure partnerships, 321–22;<strong>and</strong> Multilateral InvestmentGuarantee Agency, 324–25;political risks, 291–93;promotion of downstreamindustries, 22; security of tenureconcerns, 292–93; small-scaleminers, 318; <strong>and</strong> threat of politicalinstability in countries, 293;transparency agreements, 49.See also specific metals <strong>and</strong>mineralsMitchell, John: investmentstudy, 294Mitsubishi: involvement in theMozal aluminum smelterproject, 324MMSD Project. See Mining,Minerals, <strong>and</strong> SustainableDevelopment ProjectMoney laundering: anti–moneylaundering st<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>and</strong> norms,172, 183–85; <strong>and</strong> certificationprograms, 179–80; <strong>and</strong>Democratic Republic ofCongo, 202; financial mechanismsused to launder illegal drugmoney, 205–6; geographic regionsuncovered by transparencyframeworks, 193; GlobalAnti–Money LaunderingGuidelines for Private Banking,186–89; legislation, 131;measures to cope with theproblem of countries with noor insufficient anti–money launderingmeasures, 196–97;OECD’s initiative to identifynoncooperative countries <strong>and</strong>territories involved in, 162;offshore havens, 193; “red flags”indicating activity, 189, 190;techniques for, 169, 176;terrorists’ use of gold <strong>and</strong>gemstones for laundering money,169, 210 n11; United NationsConvention against TransnationalOrganized Crime’s provisions,179–80, 185–86, 242; UnitedNations Convention toCombat Illicit <strong>and</strong> PsychotropicDrugs’ anti–drug moneylaundering <strong>and</strong> law enforcementcommitments, 161, 175, 185–86.See also Financial Action TaskForce on Money Laundering;Financing illicit resourceextractionMontreal Protocol on SubstancesThat Deplete the Ozone Layer:black market, 136–37; “due care”requirement, 141; financialmechanism to build thecompliance capacity of developingstates, 132; institution of a globalrequirement for licensing of tradein ozone-damaging substances,102; multilateral fund, 126; traderestrictions on ozone-depletingsubstances, 127

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