Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net


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394 indexMorley Fund Management:investment in Myanmar, 348 n12Mozal aluminum smelter project,324–25Mozambique: Mozal aluminumsmelter, 324; Mozal CommunityDevelopment Trust, 325;Multilateral Investment GuaranteeAgency’s role in promotinginvestment in, 324MSC. See Marine StewardshipCouncilMultilateral Investment GuaranteeAgency: <strong>and</strong> attracting reputablecompanies to risky environments,15–16; coverage offered, 324;percentage of portfolio in miningprojects, 325; promotion ofSouth-South investment, 332; rolein promoting investment inpost-conflict regions, 324–25;World Bank affiliation, 324Multinational companies: OECDguidelines, 65–67. See alsoGuidelines for MultinationalEnterprises; specific companiesMyanmar: complaints against aFrench company allegedly usingforced labor, 240, 262–63; conflictbetween the national government<strong>and</strong> the ethnic minorities, 341–42;financing of the government byillicit commodities, 168;international pressures <strong>and</strong>company responses, 342–43;investment moratorium, 238;issues in common with Sudan, 340;<strong>and</strong> Karen National Union, 342;legal action, 343; monitoringof human rights abuses in, 270;<strong>and</strong> National League forDemocracy, 341; natural resourcefinancing, 31; <strong>and</strong> New Mon StateParty, 342; opportunities in,340–41; political risks, 341–42;Premier Oil’s investment in,300–301, 327; questions for thefuture, 344; recent governanceproblems related to resourcerevenue, 90 n2; reputationconcerns for internationalcompanies, 296; <strong>and</strong> State Law<strong>and</strong> Order Restoration Council(SLORC), 341–42; terrorism’s rolein sustained conflict, 170; UnitedWa State Army, 204; Unocal’sproblems in, 295, 322; Yadanaoil field, 341–42; Yetagun oilfield, 341Myanmar Oil <strong>and</strong> Gas Enterprise,341Nairobi Declaration on the Role <strong>and</strong>M<strong>and</strong>ate of UNEP, 156–57 n7Namibia: economic dependence ondiamonds, 245“Naming <strong>and</strong> shaming” initiatives:<strong>and</strong> Financial Action Task Forceon Money Laundering, 162,189–90, 207–8; <strong>and</strong> financingillicit resource extraction, 189–90,267; <strong>and</strong> Guidelines for MultinationalEnterprises, 66–67; OECDst<strong>and</strong>ards, 162, 189–90Narcotics. See Illegal drugsNational-level judicial instrumentsof enforcement: <strong>and</strong> multinationalcompanies, 239, 240; <strong>and</strong> roguetraders, 239, 240; uses, 239National Union for the TotalIndependence of Angola: diamondexploitation, 218; financing, 30,31, 168–69, 217; governmentmilitary campaign against, 218;political isolation of, 219; terrortactics against civilians, 218<strong>Natural</strong> disasters: <strong>and</strong> priceshocks, 10<strong>Natural</strong> gas: concentrated marketfor, 192<strong>Natural</strong> gas industry: payments tohost governments, 45; review ofsocial issues relating to oil <strong>and</strong> gasprojects, 259–60

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