Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net


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376 indexor regional arrangements, 104;products that opt out of thetracking system, 103–4Compensatory financing: amendedapproach to, 365; <strong>and</strong>automaticity, 359; description, 358;failure of, 358–59; <strong>and</strong> leastdeveloped countries, 363Compensatory Financing Facility:<strong>and</strong> price shocks, 10Compliance <strong>and</strong> enforcementmeasures element of CTRs:burden of enforcement, 145–46;<strong>and</strong> capacity building, 125–26;compliance assurance, 124–27;“compliance” definition, 119,156 n1; criminal profiling, 128;criminal sanctions, 130–31;description, 101; developmentassistance conditionality, 127;“enforcement” definition, 119,156 n1; implementation <strong>and</strong>enforcement gaps, 124–25;interagency partnerships, 130;international intelligencecoordination, 129–30; moneylaundering legislation, 131;national data reports, 125;national enforcement, 127–29;regional enforcement cooperationagreements, 129; rewards forcompliance, 125; specialenforcement units, 128; specialisttraining, 128; “super-ministries,”128; trade measures to addressnoncompliance, 126–27Confidentiality agreements: <strong>and</strong>disclosure of payments, 48–49<strong>Conflict</strong> overview: adverse effectsof natural resource endowments,7–8; “armed conflict” definition,167; Collier-Hoeffler model, 2–4;costs of conflict, 1–2; “ethnicdominance,” 3, 5–6; fundingsources for rebel groups, 3–7;global measures to reduceconflicts, 7–16; longer durationof conflicts, 7, 37 n12, 58; naturalresources <strong>and</strong> conflict link, 4–7;number of conflicts linked tonatural resources, 7; <strong>and</strong> percapita income level, 2–3<strong>Conflict</strong> resources. See Enforcementmeasures; specific commodities<strong>and</strong> resourcesConsejo de la Judicatura: <strong>and</strong>Statoil’s sponsorship of judicialtraining in Venezuela on humanrights issues, 329–30Contextual considerations of CTRs:detailed underst<strong>and</strong>ing of thecommodity chain, 133–36;distinguishing different criminalconstituencies within a specificCTR, 135–36; dynamics ofspecific commodities, 134;enterprise crime, 136–40;globalization of trade, 138;market-supply dynamics, 136–40;mixing of commodities fromdifferent sources, 134; <strong>and</strong>organized crime, 134–35; political<strong>and</strong> legal context of regulations,140–45; World TradeOrganization implications,143–45Control Risks Group: companieswith codes forbidding payment ofbribes, 304; country-level politicalrisks, 310; diplomatic pressure tohelp companies, 319; survey onbusiness attitudes to corruption,295–96, 308–9Convention on Combating Briberyof Foreign Public Officials inInternational BusinessTransactions, 67, 305–6Convention on International Tradein Endangered Species of Fauna<strong>and</strong> Flora: abuse of controls,114–15; Appendix I provisions,178, 272; Appendix II provisions,105, 107, 156 n4, 272;Appendix III provisions, 272; <strong>and</strong>

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