Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net


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index 379country, 141–42. See alsoRepublic of CongoDenmark: <strong>and</strong> Cambodia’s ForestCrimes Monitoring Unit, 180;capacity-building initiatives, 329Diamond industry: commoditychain, 133; “conflict diamonds,”4, 47, 134, 138, 146–49, 158 n24,158 n26, 288; De Beers’ stabilizingrole, 56; mixing of conflictdiamonds with legitimatelymined diamonds, 134; nationalcertification schemes, 158 n23;newspaper article alleging linksbetween diamonds fromRUF-controlled areas in SierraLeone <strong>and</strong> the Al-Qaeda terrorist<strong>net</strong>work, 270; <strong>and</strong> remoteextraction, 57; resource revenuereporting, 57; self-regulatorymeasures, 246. See also KimberleyCertification Process SchemeDiamonds: certification of, 13–14,34, 56, 138–39, 177–78, 244–48;deconcentrated set of suppliers for,192; <strong>and</strong> Democratic Republic ofCongo, 200; embargoes on, 174;importance to Botswana <strong>and</strong>Sierra Leone economies, 11; asprimary commodity, 9; rebelgroup financing, 31, 32, 168–69,218. See also KimberleyCertification Process SchemeDjibouti: <strong>and</strong> Sudan peaceprocess, 336Dow Jones Sustainability Index, 265Due diligence procedures, 140Duffield, Mark: regulating wareconomies through sanctions, 235“Dutch disease”: Azerbaijan’sefforts to avoid, 84; Botswana’seconomic policies for avoiding,82; description, 354; <strong>and</strong>exchange rate flexibility, 361; <strong>and</strong>primary commodity dependence,9; <strong>and</strong> resource dependence,36 n5; <strong>and</strong> revenue volatility, 56EarthRights International, 269, 343Earth Summit (Johannesburg):UNEP pilot project results, 108Earth Summit (Rio): commoditytrackingproblems, 124East Asia FLEG, 62–64Eastern <strong>and</strong> Southern AfricaAnti–Money Laundering Group:<strong>and</strong> FATF st<strong>and</strong>ards, 211 n27Economic Agendas in Civil WarsProject, 90 n12Economic Community of WestAfrican States: economic sanctionson Liberia, 238; MonitoringGroup military blockade <strong>and</strong> porttakeover, 238; suggestion formonitoring trade along Liberianborders, 233Economics of Civil Wars, Crime,<strong>and</strong> Violence Project, 90 n12Economics of <strong>Conflict</strong> Project,90 n12Economic supervision: IMF’s attemptto audit the oil sector inAngola, 86–87, 254–55; <strong>and</strong>Oil-for-Food Program, 254; <strong>and</strong>rearmament of belligerents, 253;relative effectiveness of, 255–56;resistance to, 252–53; <strong>and</strong> taxcollection <strong>and</strong> budgetaryallocations, 253–54; World Bankoversight of the Chad-CameroonPetroleum Development <strong>and</strong>Pipeline project, 255Economist Intelligence Unit:country-level political risks, 310Ecopetrol: security concerns,293–94ECOWAS. See EconomicCommunity of West African StatesElectronics Components,Assemblies, <strong>and</strong> MaterialsAssociation: tantalum acquisitionrecommendations, 267Elf Aquitaine: <strong>and</strong> Chad-CameroonOil Development <strong>and</strong> PipelineProject, 345

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