Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net


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396 indexOffice of the High Commissioner forHuman Rights: <strong>and</strong> the UNGlobal Compact, 91 n26Offshore Group of BankSupervisors: creation of, 162Oil: booms of the 1970s <strong>and</strong>corruption, 37 n7; British Navyblockade on the importation ofoil by Rhodesia, 231;concentrated market for, 192;embargoes on, 173; <strong>and</strong> high riskfor conflict, 5; promotion ofdownstream industries, 22.See also Oil industryOil <strong>and</strong> <strong>Conflict</strong> Project, 90 n12Oil-for-Food Program: <strong>and</strong> erosion ofeconomic sanctions on Iraq, 231;limited results of, 254Oil industry: assessing thecommercial viability of a newproject, 287; association withpoor governance <strong>and</strong> conflict, 288;attracting reputablecompanies to risky environments,287–347; Chad-Cameroonpipeline case history, 345–47;confidentiality agreements, 48–49;coordination of home-countryreporting rules for internationaloil companies, 79–81; GlobalWitness recommendations fordisclosure of revenue, 77; IMF’saudit of the oil sector in Angola,86–87, 254–55; investmentclimate, 290–91; joint venturepartnerships, 321–22; kidnaptargets, 6; military role in, 57;Myanmar case history, 340–44;<strong>and</strong> off-budget accounting, 55; oilban imposed by the oil-producingArab nations on trade with theUnited States, 230; payments tohost governments, 45; politicalrisks, 291–93; <strong>and</strong> Publish WhatYou Pay campaign, 180–81;resource revenue reporting byOECD countries, 55; revenuereporting, 46; review of socialissues relating to oil <strong>and</strong> gasprojects, 259–60; security oftenure concerns, 292–93; Sudancase history, 334–40; UNsanctions on, 231, 233OMV: activities in Sudan, 335, 339ONGC Videsh: <strong>and</strong> TalismanEnergy, 327, 335, 338, 340Open Society Institute: <strong>and</strong> CaspianRevenue Watch, 64Opium. See Illegal drugsOrchid-breeding industry: <strong>and</strong>United Nations Convention onInternational Trade in EndangeredSpecies of Fauna <strong>and</strong> Flora, 139Organisation for EconomicCo-operation <strong>and</strong> Development:consideration of antidrugpolicies, 14; Convention onBribery in Transnational BusinessTransactions, 80, 181, 182;Convention on CombatingBribery of Foreign Public Officialsin International BusinessTransactions, 211 n23, 305–6;coordination of m<strong>and</strong>atoryrevenue reporting, 80; Declarationon International Investment <strong>and</strong>Multinational Enterprises, 65;disclosure of payments to hostgovernments, 48; <strong>and</strong> facilitationpayments, 14; Forum on HarmfulTax Practices, 189; Guidelinesfor Dealing with HarmfulPreferential Regimes in MemberCountries, 189; initiative toidentify noncooperative countries<strong>and</strong> territories involved in moneylaundering, 162; multinationalsthat violated ethical guidelineson coltan, 200; “naming <strong>and</strong>shaming” initiatives, 162, 189–90;<strong>and</strong> Northern government’spassage of anticorruptionlaws, 332; “OECD Best Practicesfor Budget Transparency,” 91 n15;

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