Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net


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IndexAction Contre la Faim: activities inSudan, 342Adams, Roger: comments on GlobalReporting Initiative, 264Afghanistan: <strong>and</strong> Al-Qaeda, 170,204; Taliban <strong>and</strong> NorthernAlliance financing, 31, 169,204–5; terrorism’s role insustained conflict, 170Africa: booty futures, 32–33; ForestLaw Enforcement <strong>and</strong> GovernanceMinisterial Process, 63; l<strong>and</strong>rights issue, 318; minerals <strong>and</strong>petroleum as the most substantial<strong>and</strong> readily accessible sources ofincome, 288; new petroleumexploration <strong>and</strong> development, 290;off-budget revenue reporting, 52;resource-related conflicts, 17, 19;security of tenure concerns ofbusinesses, 292. See also specificcountriesAfrican Trade Insurance Agency:coverage, 325–26; organizationscovering startup expenses, 325;purpose, 325; rationale for settingup, 325Agricultural sector: compensatoryfinancing, 358–59; export receiptsstabilization system (Stabex),358–59; guarantee funds, 364–65;insurance mechanisms, 363–65;<strong>and</strong> marketing boards, 357; <strong>and</strong>negative effects of price shocks,354; option to sell a givenvolume of the harvest, 364; <strong>and</strong>stabilization funds, 357; taxes on,357, 363AIG Group: political riskinsurance, 323Algeria: <strong>and</strong> booty futures, 37 n16;corrupt government link to civilwar, 26; recent governanceproblems related to resourcerevenue, 90 n2All the Presidents’ Men, 50, 92 n35Alluvial gemstones: difficulty ofcontrolling, 253; ease ofmining for, 25; <strong>and</strong> KimberleyCertification Process Scheme,148. See also specific types ofgemstonesAl-Qaeda: <strong>and</strong> Afghanistan, 170,204–5; diamond smuggling,201 n9; <strong>and</strong> illegal drugtrafficking, 204–5; newspaperarticle alleging links betweendiamonds from RUF-controlledareas in Sierra Leone <strong>and</strong> theAl-Qaeda terrorist <strong>net</strong>work, 270;369

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