Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net


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232 philippe le billonTable 6.2 UN Security Council Sanctions against <strong>Natural</strong>Resource ExportsYear Country Resolution1966 SouthernRhodesiaS/RES/232 (1966) <strong>and</strong> 253 (1968): allcommodities1990 IraqS/RES/661 (1990): all commodities; S/RES/665(1990): calls for halting, inspecting, <strong>and</strong>verifying all maritime shipping in the Gulf areato ensure strict implementation of S/RES/661199119921993199419982000200020002001YugoslaviaCambodiaLibyaHaitiAngolaAfghanistanCongo,Dem.Rep. ofSierraLeoneLiberiaS/RES/757 (1991) <strong>and</strong> 787 (1992): all commoditiesS/RES/792 (1992): log exports; requests theadoption of an embargo on minerals <strong>and</strong> gemsexports <strong>and</strong> the implementation measures byUN Transitional Authority in CambodiaS/RES/883 (1993): bans the provision to Libya ofequipment for oil refining <strong>and</strong> transportationS/RES/917 (1994): all commoditiesS/RES/1173 (1998): all diamonds outsidegovernment certificate-of-origin regime <strong>and</strong> theprovision of mining equipment <strong>and</strong> servicesto areas not under government control;S/RES/1237 (1999): establishes an expert panel;S/RES/1295 (2000): establishes a mechanism formonitoring sanctionsS/RES/1333 (2000): bans the provision to Talibancontrolledareas of acetic anhydride used inheroin productionS/PRST/2000/20: establishes an expert panel onthe illegal exploitation of natural resources<strong>and</strong> other forms of wealthS/RES/1306 (2000): all rough diamonds pendingan effective regime of government certificatesof origin; creates an expert panel on theimplementation of sanctionsS/RES/1343 (2001): all rough diamonds:establishes an expert panel; S/RES/1408 (2002):calls for establishment by the government ofLiberia of transparent <strong>and</strong> internationallyverifiable audit regimes on use of timberindustry revenues

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