Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net


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262 philippe le billonadoption <strong>and</strong> implementation of effective measures to combat corruption,bribery, <strong>and</strong> embezzlement,” <strong>and</strong> from U.K. Prime Minister TonyBlair for their role in promoting responsible behavior on the part ofmultinational enterprises operating in conflict-affected areas of Africa.Yet the guidelines have also faced many comments <strong>and</strong> criticisms onthe part of civil society organizations, which fear that they will becomean alternative to a binding <strong>and</strong> enforceable instrument, including thefollowing (Feeney 2002):• Failure to incorporate “legal rights” for citizens <strong>and</strong> communitiesaffected by corporate activities incorporating the direct liability of“foreign multinationals” <strong>and</strong> failure to respect the principle of “equalityof arms” of appropriate complaints <strong>and</strong> judicial mechanisms• Weakness of consensual nonadversarial means <strong>and</strong> unenforceablerecommendations to be used by national contact points to addressallegations of violations• Restrictive dem<strong>and</strong>s put on civil society organizations to filecomplaints• Low level of prioritization <strong>and</strong> staffing among many nationalcontact points, including potential conflicts of interests because oftheir location within institutions primarily aimed at securing privatesector profitability overseas• No clearly specified time frames for dealing with complaints, so“flexibility” becomes a cover for inaction• “Creeping bias” toward confidentiality protecting the interestsof enterprises, with some national contact points dem<strong>and</strong>ing thatnongovernmental organizations do not make public the complaintsthey file—possibly to win the confidence of enterprises• Lack of separation between the promotional activities of thenational contact points <strong>and</strong> the investigative <strong>and</strong> conflict resolutionactivities, which should be assigned to an independent legal office (forexample, an ombudsman).It is difficult to assess the effectiveness of these guidelines <strong>and</strong> theimplementation mechanisms in part because of a lack of transparency<strong>and</strong> centralization of cases <strong>and</strong> in part because of the novelty of thecompliance mechanism. Specific instances of application of the guidelinesinclude the following:• Complaints of forced labor in Myanmar by French enterprisesinvolved in the petroleum sector were raised by French labor unionswith the French national contact point, which led to consultationswith some of these enterprises <strong>and</strong> (nothing more than) public recommendationsby the national contact point on the practices that

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