Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net


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index 403capacity-building initiatives, 329;new mineral exploration, 290Tanzanite: certification of, 177;deconcentrated set of suppliersfor, 192; ease of mining for, 25;possible Al-Qaeda exploitationof, 178; <strong>and</strong> Tucson protocols,177, 178Taylor, Charles: alleged involvementin criminal activities, 236;exploitation of Sierra Leone’sdiamonds, 168; facilitation ofterrorist finance through diamondsmuggling involving agents ofAl-Qaeda, 209 n9; limitation ofhis assistance to rebels, 236;logs-for-arms swaps forgovernment funding, 142; <strong>and</strong>National Patriotic Front ofLiberia taxes on the sale ofcannabis, diamonds, iron ore,rubber, <strong>and</strong> timber, 31T’Chad Oil TransportationCompany: World Bank loansto, 346Tear Fund: activities in Sudan, 337Terrorism: antiterrorism st<strong>and</strong>ards<strong>and</strong> norms, 172, 182–83; <strong>and</strong>black market, 169; definition ofterrorist groups funded by illicitcommodities, 209 n8; FinancialAction Task Force on MoneyLaundering’s criteria for detectingpossible terrorist transactions, 182;generated by conflicts, 171–72;gold <strong>and</strong> gemstones forlaundering money, 169, 210 n11;<strong>and</strong> hawala, 169; <strong>and</strong> hundi, 193;<strong>and</strong> illegal drugs, 203–8; illicitcommodities funding, 169–70;provision of security for farmersgrowing illegal coca or opium, 169;relationship with organizedcrime, 168; role in sustainedconflict, 170; UN’s “terrorism”definition, 241, 278 n21;U.S. Department of State’s“international narcotics controlstrategy report,” 209–10 n10;Wolfsberg Group principles forantiterrorism, 187–88Texaco: <strong>and</strong> Chad-Cameroon OilDevelopment <strong>and</strong> PipelineProject, 345; U.S.-U.K. VoluntaryPrinciples on Security <strong>and</strong> HumanRights participant, 348–49 n29;withdrawal from Myanmar, 342Thail<strong>and</strong>: shrimp-turtle dispute,144–45Timber: concentrated marketfor, 192; <strong>and</strong> Democratic Republicof Congo, 200; embargoes on, 173.See also Forest certificationschemesTimber industry: amount of timberthat is illegally exported, 149, 248;“conflict timber,” 142, 248;consumer-country controls, 156;creation of legality certificationschemes, 155; customs collaboration,155–56; effects of illegallogging, 248; external monitoring,155; forest certification schemes,248–50; forest product monitoringtechnologies, 119, 120–23;global forestry operationstransparency, 154; IKEA’schain-of-custody system fortracking, 112; illegal logging, 47,57, 248; illegal tropical timberimports into the EU, 102–3;improved chain-of-custodymonitoring, 155; internationalcooperation <strong>and</strong> legal reform,156; international initiatives,150–54, 180; local communityinvolvement in logging operations,155; market-driven labelingschemes, 112, 114; memor<strong>and</strong>umof agreement between Indonesia<strong>and</strong> the United Kingdom on forestlaw enforcement cooperation, 104;mixing of illegally harvested <strong>and</strong>legally produced timber, 134;

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