Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net


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374 indexeconomic rationale for, 345;ExxonMobil investment in, 88,327, 345; IMF <strong>and</strong> World Bankoversight conditions on resourcerevenue flows, 88, 327; <strong>and</strong> nongovernmentalorganizations, 347;opportunities in, 345; privatesector participants, 345;projected revenue from, 344–45;questions for the future, 347;revenue plans, 346–47; revenuereporting procedures, 47;success factors, 327; use ofrevenue by Chad for weaponspurchases, 255, 346; World Bankoversight, 255Chain-of-custody. See Commoditylabeling <strong>and</strong> audited chain-ofcustodyarrangements elementof CTRsChanging Oil: EmergingEnvironmental Risks <strong>and</strong>Shareholder Value, 303Chevron: <strong>and</strong> Chad-CameroonOil Development <strong>and</strong> PipelineProject, 345; oil developmentin Sudan, 337; U.S.-U.K.Voluntary Principles on Security<strong>and</strong> Human Rights participant,348–49 n29Child labor: consumer pressure toimpose International LabourOrganisation st<strong>and</strong>ardson clothing <strong>and</strong> carpetmanufacturers, 139–40Child mortality rates: correlationbetween greater dependence on oil<strong>and</strong> mineral exports <strong>and</strong> higherrates, 20Chile: claims on portions ofAntarctica, 157–58 n19; copperwindfall fund, 53; governmentcontrol of the copper industry, 55;military accrual of copperrevenues, 58Chilean sea bass: U.S. codefor, 110China: amount of timber illegallyimported by, 248; Denmark’scapacity-building initiatives, 329;“sanctions busting” for SouthAfrica <strong>and</strong> importation of stolenvehicles from the United ArabEmirates <strong>and</strong> exportation ofpoached ivory <strong>and</strong> rhino horns,134–35China National PetroleumCorporation: activities inSudan, 335Chlorofluorocarbons: black marketfor, 137; “due care” controls, 141Christian Aid: activities in Sudan,337; <strong>and</strong> British Petroleumactivities in Colombia, 270Christian Solidarity International:activities in Sudan, 337CITES. See Convention onInternational Trade in EndangeredSpecies of Fauna <strong>and</strong> FloraClothing industry: consumerpressure to impose InternationalLabour Organisation st<strong>and</strong>ardson clothing <strong>and</strong> carpetmanufacturers, 139–40Cobalt: <strong>and</strong> Democratic Republic ofCongo, 201Coca. See Illegal drugsCodelco, 55, 58Code of Good Practices on FiscalTransparency: diagnostic useof, 79; impact of, 61;nongovernmental use of, 61–62;objectives, 59; potential strengths<strong>and</strong> weaknesses, 62;recommendations on thepublication of fiscal information,60; voluntary implementationof, 59COFACE: export credit agencyexample, 326; loans toChad-Cameroon Oil Development<strong>and</strong> Pipeline Project, 346Coffee: <strong>and</strong> Democratic Republic ofCongo, 206; informal taxes on, 4;

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