Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net


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index 391Kazakhstan: recent governanceproblems related to resourcerevenue, 90 n2; resource revenuereporting, 47Kenya: <strong>and</strong> African Trade InsuranceAgency, 325; <strong>and</strong> Sudan peaceprocess, 336; Wildlife Service, 128Khan, Asif: effectiveness ofeconomic sanctions, 235Khmer Rouge: defection ofcomm<strong>and</strong>ers, 219; <strong>and</strong> economicsanctions, 235–36; financing, 30,31, 141, 150; support for soldiers<strong>and</strong> their families, 218Kidnapping: criminal groupinvolvement, 38 n17; foreignextractive companies as targets, 6;foreign tourists as targets, 6;markets for kidnapped people, 6;oil companies as targets, 6;ransom insurance, 6, 14; ransompayment restrictions, 35; <strong>and</strong> rebelgroup financing, 33–34Kimberley Certification ProcessScheme: chain-of-custodyrequirements, 146; <strong>and</strong> conflictdiamonds, 146–49, 244–48;country of origin versus countryof provenance, 147; De Beer’sassistance with diamondcertification, 139, 245;description, 13–14, 34; diamondcertification, 177–78, 244–48;industry self-regulatory measures,246; institutional structure,245–46; labeling <strong>and</strong> chain-ofcustody,112; lack of a dedicatedsecretariat, 105; need for newapproaches, 163; participants,147; peer review, 117, 147–48;pilot certification projects, 246;purpose of, 146; <strong>and</strong> “rough diamond”definition, 104; technical<strong>and</strong> operational issues remainingto be addressed, 148–49;voluntary participation, 177, 245,246; weaknesses, 247–48Kimberley Process for Tanzanite, 178Knorr, Klaus: effectiveness ofeconomic sanctions, 235Kosovo: Kosovo LiberationArmy, 170; relationship betweenrebel groups <strong>and</strong> organized crime,168; terrorism’s role in sustainedconflict, 170Kumleben, Judge M. E., 158 n21Kyi, Aung San Suu: house arrestof, 341Labeling. See Commodity labeling<strong>and</strong> audited chain-of-custodyarrangements element of CTRsLapis lazuli: rebel groupfinancing, 31Law of the Sea Treaty: <strong>and</strong> UNAgreement on Fish Stocks, 274LDCs. See Least developed countriesLeast developed countries:combination of solutions forprice shocks, 365; <strong>and</strong> theCotonou agreement, 366 n3;method for identifying, 366 n2;special fund for, 362–63. See alsospecific countriesLebanon: Hezballah, 204; terrorism’srole in sustained conflict, 170Liberia: <strong>and</strong> aid conditionality, 251;arms sanctions busting, 254;booty futures, 33; “conflicttimber,” 142; corrupt governmentlink to civil war, 26; doubleagenda of peace transition <strong>and</strong>rearmament, 253; EconomicCommunity of West AfricanStates’ suggestion for monitoringtrade along Liberian borders,233; <strong>and</strong> economic sanctions,236, 238; GDP growth in theyears leading up to the civil war,20; Global Witness campaign onconflict timber, 269; Greenpeaceblockade of port, 269; rebel groupfinancing, 31; United NationsSecurity Council’s request that

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