Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net


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198 winer <strong>and</strong> rouleassistance, <strong>and</strong> extradition; (d) improved mutual assistance; (e) developmentof further st<strong>and</strong>ards; <strong>and</strong> (f) oversight. We offer recommendationsfor each of these in turn.Administrative Cooperation. National administrations shouldconsider recording, at least in the aggregate, international flows of commoditiesthrough a series of tracking measures, including Global PositioningSystem <strong>and</strong> import-export records from relevant states. Suchinformation should be made available to an international oversightbody.International authorities, perhaps Interpol <strong>and</strong> the World CustomsOrganization, should be given responsibility for gathering <strong>and</strong> disseminatinginformation to authorities about developments in combating thetrafficking of illicit commodities. Central banks <strong>and</strong> bank regulatorscould do the same in their <strong>net</strong>work. National authorities, in consultationwith trade associations, could then disseminate this information tofinancial institutions in individual countries.Exchange of Information Relating to Suspicious Transactions InvolvingIllicit Commodities. Each country should make efforts toimprove a spontaneous or upon-request international informationexchange relating to suspicious transactions <strong>and</strong> to persons <strong>and</strong> corporationsinvolved in those transactions. Strict safeguards shouldbe established to ensure that this exchange of information is consistentwith national <strong>and</strong> international provisions on privacy <strong>and</strong> dataprotection.Cooperation in Confiscation, Mutual Assistance, <strong>and</strong> Extradition.Countries should try to ensure, on a bilateral or multilateral basis, thatdifferent knowledge st<strong>and</strong>ards in national definitions—that is, differentst<strong>and</strong>ards concerning the intentional element of the infraction—donot affect the ability or willingness of countries to provide each otherwith mutual legal assistance. The signing of memor<strong>and</strong>a of underst<strong>and</strong>ingin instances where treaties are not viable may be especially importantfor the oversight of illicit commodities. The use of GPS systems<strong>and</strong> import records from allied states could assist in the oversight.International cooperation should be supported by a <strong>net</strong>work of bilateral<strong>and</strong> multilateral agreements <strong>and</strong> arrangements based on generallyshared legal concepts, with the aim of providing practical measuresto affect the widest possible range of mutual assistance covering illegalnatural resources.Focus of Improved Mutual Assistance on Combating Illicit Commodities.Cooperative investigations among countries’ authoritiesshould be encouraged. There should be procedures for mutual assistance

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