Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net


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276 philippe le billonlevels hinder effective enforcement (for example, absence or poorcommunication of both intelligence <strong>and</strong> public information, bureaucraticred tape, lack of financial resources, slow judicial procedures,<strong>and</strong> vested political interests).• Uneven jurisdiction at the international level creates major loopholes(for example, offshore banking <strong>and</strong> incorporation).Even if well implemented, international instruments of enforcementare unlikely to halt the mobilization of natural resources in armed conflicts.No<strong>net</strong>heless, by raising the production <strong>and</strong> transaction costsof belligerents <strong>and</strong> their accomplices, such instruments may be ableto drastically reduce the trade in otherwise legal “conflict resources.”Raising transaction costs for belligerents <strong>and</strong> their accomplices can onlyresult from effective enforcement—even if simply by dissuading mostpotential buyers. Furthermore, production <strong>and</strong> transaction costs need tobe sufficiently high to reflect the significant discounts that belligerentsare often willing to make. Moreover, although profit making has beenrecently stressed as one of the motivations of belligerents, this is notalways the case. Politically motivated belligerents will find ways toadapt their struggle to the difficult economic conditions resulting fromeffective enforcement measures. Belligerents are likely to accept noneconomicdeals simply to increase their cash flow in the short term toachieve their goals. Raised costs must also reflect the low cost of appropriationor production by belligerents. Profit-motivated belligerentscontrolling or exploiting resources at significant discounts in comparisonto normal authorities or businesses (for example, through theft, useof forced labor, or disregard for environmental st<strong>and</strong>ards or sustainabilityprinciples) are likely to accept significantly discounted buying prices.Addressing these enforcement issues is complicated in the context offragmented governance in which the designated enforcement agency<strong>and</strong> the most effective enforcement mechanism (self, soft, or hard) aredifficult to identify. Moreover, little expertise exists to enable an evaluationof the effectiveness of enforcement instruments. Effectiveness canbe assessed, for example, on the basis of the following:• The priority <strong>and</strong> visibility of the policy agenda in internationalmeetings or the media, but this does not guarantee effectiveness• Expert knowledge within the industry or monitoringorganizations• The number of individuals arrested or “named <strong>and</strong> shamed” or theamount of resources <strong>and</strong> financial revenues seized, yet the impact on therest of the trade <strong>and</strong> the course of the conflict may be difficult to assess• The termination of the conflict itself, although many otherfactors frequently intervene.

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