Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net


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index 375<strong>and</strong> price shocks, 10; rebel groupfinancing, 31Cold War: <strong>and</strong> rebel groupfunding, 3Collier-Hoeffler model: drivers ofconflict, 2–3Colombia: coffee windfall fund, 53;double agenda of peace transition<strong>and</strong> rearmament, 253; Ecopetrol,293–94; kidnapping for rebelgroup financing, 6, 33–34;National Liberation Army (ELN),6, 33, 204; relationship betweenterrorists <strong>and</strong> organized crime, 168;security forces trained by UnitedStates armed forces, 320;terrorism’s role in sustainedconflict, 170; United Self-DefenseForces of Colombia (AUC), 204.See also Revolutionary ArmedForces of ColombiaColtan: commodity chain, 134;company practices case study,267–68; composition of, 200;deconcentrated set of suppliersfor, 192; dem<strong>and</strong> for, 200; <strong>and</strong>Democratic Republic of Congo,75, 200–203, 211–12 n32; easeof mining for, 25; lack of afunctioning government in coltanextractingareas, 202; rebel groupfinancing, 31, 201–2; <strong>and</strong>Rw<strong>and</strong>a, 201Commission of Inquiry into theAlleged Smuggling of <strong>and</strong>Illegal Trade in Ivory <strong>and</strong>Rhinocerus Horn in South Africa:apartheid regime’s policy ofdestabilizing neighboring states,142–43Commodity-chain contextualconsideration of CTRs:distinguishing different criminalconstituencies within a specificCTR, 135–36; dynamics ofspecific commodities, 134;mixing of commodities fromdifferent sources, 134; <strong>and</strong>organized crime, 134–35Commodity labeling <strong>and</strong> auditedchain-of-custody arrangementselement of CTRs: description, 98;field observation <strong>and</strong> intelligencefrom local communities <strong>and</strong>nongovernmental organizations,118–19; independent monitoring,118; issuing <strong>and</strong> verifying oflicenses <strong>and</strong> certificates, 112;labeling as laundering, 114–15,117–19; market-driven labelingschemes, 112, 114; newtechnology for monitoring, 119,120–23; peer review, 117–18;reliability <strong>and</strong> integrity of, 111;self-reports, 117Commodity-specific trackingregimes: access to enforcementexperts at CTR meetings, 145;benefits of streamlining, 108;capacity building, 101, 131–33;commodity labeling <strong>and</strong> auditedchain-of-custody arrangements,98, 111–19; common definitions<strong>and</strong> reporting requirements, 98,102–4; comparison of thenecessary elements with existingCTRs, 102–33; conclusions <strong>and</strong>recommendations, 145–46;contextual considerations,133–45; effective compliance <strong>and</strong>enforcement measures, 101, 119,124–31; efficient reportingstructure <strong>and</strong> effective informationexchange, 98, 104–11; marketsupplydynamics, 101, 136–40;necessary elements, 98–102;political <strong>and</strong> legal context ofregulations, 101–2, 140–45;underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the commoditychain, 101, 133–36Common definitions <strong>and</strong> reportingrequirements element of CTRs:description, 98; internationalcontrols, 102–3; multilateral

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