Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net

Natural Resources and Violent Conflict - WaterWiki.net


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attracting reputable companies 349Watch, International Alert, International Business Leaders’ Forum, Shell, <strong>and</strong>Texaco.30. See www.wbcsd.org/casestud/statoil/index.htm.31. See www.essochad.com/eaff/essochad/documentation/english/summary/index.html.32. See www.gic-iag.org.ReferencesThe word “processed” describes informally produced works that maynot be commonly available through libraries.Amnesty International, Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum. 2000. HumanRights: Is It Any of Your Business? London.Bolger, Andre. 2001. “African Insurance Initiative Aims to Boost Trade,”Financial Times, August 7.“BP to Spend $20 Billion to Replace Ageing Fields.” 2003. Financial Times,February 12.Bray, John. 1997. “Web of Influence.” The World Today 53(8, August-September):206–08.Browne, John. 2002. “BP’s Browne: Transparency Key to Restoring Trust.”Oil <strong>and</strong> Gas Journal, October 28.Christian Aid. 2001. The Scorched Earth: Oil <strong>and</strong> War in Sudan. London.Available at www.christian-aid.org.uk.Control Risks Group. 2002. Facing up to Corruption. London.Crowson, Philip. 2001. “Mining in the Global Market.” Paper presented at theGlobal Metals <strong>and</strong> Mining Conference, Toronto, June 13–15. Processed.Danish Industries. 2001. “Capacity Building in Industrial Employers’ Organizations.”Copenhagen. Processed.ECGD (Export Credit Guarantee Department). 2000. “Sustainable Development<strong>and</strong> Human Rights.” Available at www.ecgd.gov.uk/graphic/debtdev/BusPrinSusDev&HR.asp. Processed.Ecopetrol. 2002. “Short- to Medium-Term Exploration Map of Colombia: IsNow the Right Time to Invest?” Petroleum Economist (August).“Encouraging FDI in Mozambique.” 2002. MIGA News 10 (3), November 26.Fridthof Nansen Institute <strong>and</strong> Econ. 2000. Petro-States: Predatory or Developmental?Oslo.Gagnon, Georgette, Audrey Macklin, <strong>and</strong> Penelope Simons. 2003. DeconstructingEngagement. Corporate Self-Regulation in <strong>Conflict</strong> Zones: Implicationsfor Human Rights <strong>and</strong> Canadian Public Policy. Relationships in

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