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Midiendo la productividad y las fuentes del 393crecimiento de la <strong>economia</strong> argentinaSNA Ar (1999): Sistema de Cuentas Nacionales. Argentina. Año base 1993.Estimaciones Trimestrales y anuales: Años 1993-1997. Ministerio deEconomía y Obras y Servicios Públicos. Secretaría de ProgramaciónEconómica y Regional. Subsecretaría de Programación Macroeconómica.Sistema de Cuentas Nacionales.SNA (1993): System of National Accounts 2008. Eurostat, IMF, OECD, UNand the World Bank, New York: The United NationsSNA (2008): System of National Accounts 2008. Eurostat, IMF, OECD, UNand the World Bank, New York: The United NationsSolow, Robert (1957): Technical Change and the aggregate production function,Review of Economics and Statistics, vol.39, 1957, pp. 312-320Timmer, Marcel P., and Adam Szirmai. 2000. “Productivity Growth in AsianManufacturing: The Structural Bonus Hypothesis Examined.” StructuralChange and Economic Dynamics 11 (4): 371–92.Triplett, Jack E. and Barry P. Bosworth (2003): “Productivity Measurement Issuesin Services Industries: “Baumol’s Disease” Has Been Cured”. FRB-NY Economic Policy Review / September 2003Young, A. (1998). Growth without scale effect. Journal of Political Economy,106 41-63.World Bank (2005): “Where is the Wealth of Nations”. Word BankWorld Bank. (2008): Unleashing Prosperity. Productivity Growth in EasternEurope and the Former Soviet Union. Asad Alam, Paloma Anós Casero,Faruk Khan, Charles Udomsaph. World Bank.World Bank (2011): “The Changing Wealth of Nations”. Measuring SustainableDevelopment in the New Millenium. Word BankVan Ark, Bart & Timmer, Marcel (2006): “Computers and the Big Divide:Productivity Growth in the European Union and the United States”. EnGrowth, Capital and New Technologies, FBBVA.Van Ark, Bart, Mary O`Mahony and M.Timmer, Marcel (2008): “The ProductivityGap between Europe and the United States: Trends and Causes”.Journal of Economic Perspectives—Volume 22, Number 1—Winter2008—Pages 25–44

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