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ïñtérkûltúråłna ìsträživanjá<br />

Bor ders of Lan gu a ge Iden tity in the Bal kan Pe nin su la*<br />

sum marY: In the Bal kans, the so-cal led Bal kan iden tity and Bal kan cul tu re ha ve been<br />

for med in the spa ce of in-bet we en ness or in a third li mi nal spa ce (Gol dsworthy, 2000:27).<br />

As Re i sen le it ner (2001:9) po ints out, “pla ces may thus no lon ger be the cle ar, uni que support<br />

for iden tity, and are cer ta inly no lon ger tied to the po li ti cal bor der li nes of na ti ons,<br />

yet they still re so na te thro ug ho ut the ima gi na ti ons of com mu ni ti es”. The Bal kan na ti ons<br />

are still using the ir edu ca ti o nal systems and re li gion as key facts for na ti o nal, cul tu ral<br />

and lin gu i stic de ter mi na tion, denying ot her cul tu ral prac ti ces and mi no rity lan gu a ges (or<br />

less used lan gu a ges) spo ken in the ter ri tory of the Bal kan sta tes. Even to day in Gre e ce,<br />

Al ba nia and Bul ga ria, for in stan ce, ex pres si on of lin gu i stic, cul tu ral, na ti o nal or et hnic<br />

iden ti ti es of lo cal non-Gre ek, non-Al ba nian and non-Bul ga rian com mu ni ti es co uld not be<br />

easily ac hi e ved, mostly be ca u se the go vern ments of the afo re men ti o ned sta tes and the ir<br />

of fi cial lan gu a ge and edu ca tion po li ci es still ha ve a tin ear for the ir ne eds. In ot her words,<br />

the con cept of na ti o nal en dan ger ment as well as that of the ro man tic vi ew of „one nation,<br />

one lan gu a ge, one ter ri tory“, which hel ped the con struc tion of Bal kan na tion sta tes<br />

at the turn of the 19th to 20th cen tury, are pre do mi nant in a gre a ter de gree. The truth is<br />

that lin gu i stic bor ders in the Bal kans ha ve not yet been esta blis hed, of ten be ing de termi<br />

ned by the ele ments of et hni city and/or re li gion, as seen in Bo snia and Her ze go vi na<br />

and its two en ti ti es, both of which ha ve been trying to im po se and cre a te new lan gu a ge<br />

forms, i.e. lan gu a ges, from one com mon lan gu a ge, as pro ven pos si ble in the ca se of Molda<br />

vian lan gu a ge and its se pa ra tion and dis tin ction from the Ro ma nian lan gu a ge.<br />

We are of the opi nion that the the ory of mul ti li te racy co uld be seen as one of the cru cial<br />

po ints in the furt her de ve lop ment of cul tu ral and lan gu a ge co o pe ra tion in the Bal kans. By<br />

fo ste ring it in a bi lin gual and/or a mul ti lin gual way, the mo dern Bal kan sta tes wo uld ha ve<br />

an op por tu nity to strengthen the ir pre sent co o pe ra tion (eco no mic, po li ti cal, cul tu ral etc.)<br />

and to par ti ci pa te in the ex chan ge of world know led ge. To ac hi e ve the se aims it wo uld be<br />

ne ces sary to de ve lop co or di na ted bi lin gual and/or mul ti lin gual edu ca ti o nal po li ci es and<br />

pro gram mes which wo uld fo ster in ter cul tu ral com pe ten ce in le ar ners, as well as bi lin gual<br />

and mul ti lin gual mul ti li te racy. This wo uld be a star ting po int for the cre a tion of fu tu re<br />

mul ti lin gual, i.e. mul ti li te ra te, com mu ni ti es all over the Bal kan Pe nin su la. Furt her mo re,<br />

one co uld pre su me that such ap pro ach wo uld con tri bu te to for ming a new mul ti mo dal<br />

way of thin king in the Bal kans. Alt ho ugh a full re a li za tion of this idea re qu i res ti me and<br />

de ter mi na tion by all of fi cial in sti tu ti ons to pro vi de the qu a li fi ed hu man re so ur ces, we are<br />

con vin ced that the of fi cial sup port and pro mo tion of chan ges, even the smal lest ones,<br />

wo uld ha ve an im por tant im pact on youn ger ge ne ra ti ons, espe ci ally on the ir un der standing<br />

and ap pre ci a tion of cul tu ral and lin gu i stic di ver sity that sur ro unds the spe a kers of<br />

na ti ve lan gu a ges.<br />

KEY WORDS: Bal kans, lan gu a ges, iden tity, bor der, mi no ri ti es, so ci ety, gro ups, cul tu re,<br />

mul ti li te racy, in te gra tion.<br />

predrag.mutavdzic@fil.bg.ac.rs, akampouris@upatras.gr, scabura@gmail.com<br />

* This paper was a part of the project by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the<br />

Republic of Serbia, number 178002, “Languages and Cultures in Time and Space“.<br />


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