Šolsko polje, letnik XXII (2011), številka 1-2: Od ... - Pedagoški inštitut

Šolsko polje, letnik XXII (2011), številka 1-2: Od ... - Pedagoški inštitut

Šolsko polje, letnik XXII (2011), številka 1-2: Od ... - Pedagoški inštitut

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Povzetki/Abstractsmoljubja ni potreben, saj naj bi ga postopoma zamenjeval nov, bistveno širšievropski okvir. V tem pogledu je gojenje domoljubnih čustev mogoče videtikot vsaj deloma zaviralni moment nadaljnjega poglabljanja evropske identitete,s katero naj bi se na globalni ravni vzpostavila nova razmerja med svetovnimigospodarskimi in vojaškimi supersilami. Drugi, manj liberalni inmorda bolj konservativni pogled na domoljubje pa predstavlja antipod pravkarpredstavljenim izhodiščem. Ob tem se zastavljata vprašanji: kakšna jeoziroma bo morala biti vloga države in njenih organov ter sistemov pri oblikovanjuin implementaciji domoljubja kot koncepta ter kako naj vsebinskoin praktično sodeluje pri reševanju premnogih odprtih vprašanj, ki se nanašajona domoljubje na Slovenskem. Članek osvetljuje poznavanje vsebin, povezanihz nastankom samostojne in neodvisne Slovenije, ki jih lahko štejemomed pomembne domoljubne vsebine.Ključne besede: domoljubje, nacionalna identiteta, zgodovina, slovenskiizobraževalni sistemPatriotism in the Slovenian school systemIn Slovenia, discussions of patriotism face strong challenges. In view ofthe various standpoints, they may be organized into two reciprocally differentand conceptually distant groups. The first rather liberal group consistsof individuals that deem an emphasis on the concept of patriotism unnecessarybecause a new, substantially broader European framework is supposedto progressively replace it. In this respect, fostering patriotic sentiments maybe seen as inhibiting (at least in part) the further strengthening of Europeanidentity, for which new associations among world economic and militarysuperpowers will most likely be instituted at the global level. The secondless liberal and perhaps somewhat more conservative position on patriotismsignifies an antipode to the premises above. Furthermore, the question arises:What is or will the role of government, public authorities, and systemsbe in the development and implementation of patriotism as a concept, andhow will these contribute to resolving many open issues that pertain to patriotismin Slovenia? This article highlights the understanding of aspects relatedto the origin of an independent and self-governing Slovenia that maybe considered significant patriotic ideas.Keywords: patriotism, national identity, history, Slovenian educationsystem269

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