Šolsko polje, letnik XXII (2011), številka 1-2: Od ... - Pedagoški inštitut

Šolsko polje, letnik XXII (2011), številka 1-2: Od ... - Pedagoški inštitut

Šolsko polje, letnik XXII (2011), številka 1-2: Od ... - Pedagoški inštitut

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Avtorji/AuthorsOliver Buček received his bachelor’s degree from the University ofPula’s Faculty of Arts, where he was appointed a professor of musiceducation. He is currently completing his master’s degree in education atthe University of Maribor’s Faculty of Arts. He also completed additionalstudies in computer and information science at the University of Ljubljana’sFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, and was named information activitiescoordinator. Since 2001 he has been teaching at the Breg Primary Schoolin Ptuj, where he teaches music and computer science, and in the Ptuj preschools,where he works as a system administrator. He also teaches preschoolmusic education methods and instruments at the Ptuj Adult EducationCenter. He was the first lecturer there to introduce the e-classroom andlearning materials for independent study using the internet. In addition tohis teaching, he also works on national and international projects and publishesdiscussion articles. He delivers talks at national and international conferencesand is the author of the online music classroom at Mladinska knjigapublishing. He has written several articles that have been published in Slovenianjournals. He also works with the e-educational system, for which he leadsseminars for teachers where they can learn about or build on their knowledgeof using information and communication technologies.Simona Bezjak je raziskovalka na Fakulteti za družbene vede Univerzev Ljubljani. Ukvarja se s sodobno politično teorijo, predvsem s teorijo diskurzain s teorijo države. Sodeluje na več projektih o globalni državljanskivzgoji, izobraževanju učiteljev in prenosu znanja v prakso.Simona Bezjak is a researcher at the University of Ljubljana’s Facultyof Social Sciences. Her research interests include contemporary politicaltheory, particularly discourse theory and the theory of the state. She is involvedin several research projects on global citizenship education, teacher education,and transfer of knowledge into practice.Jernej Pikalo je izredni profesor na Fakulteti za družbene vede Univerzev Ljubljani. Je avtor monografij Neoliberalna globalizacija in država(2003) ter Uvod v zgodovino političnih idej (v soavtorstvu z I. Lukiščem,2007) in sourednik zbornika Political Language and Metaphor (s T. Carverjem,2008).Jernej Pikalo is an associate professor at the University of Ljubljana’sFaculty of Social Sciences. He is the author of the Slovenian-language volumesNeoliberal Globalization and the State (2003) and Introduction tothe History of Political Ideas (with Igor Lukšič, 2007) and co-editor of PoliticalLanguage and Metaphor (with Terrell Carver; Routledge, 2008).Marinko Banjac je asistent na Fakulteti za družbene vede Univerze vLjubljani. Trenutno je doktorski kandidat in raziskuje afriško političnomisel 19. stoletja. Med drugim se ukvarja tudi s politično teorijo, afriški-285

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