Šolsko polje, letnik XXII (2011), številka 1-2: Od ... - Pedagoški inštitut

Šolsko polje, letnik XXII (2011), številka 1-2: Od ... - Pedagoški inštitut

Šolsko polje, letnik XXII (2011), številka 1-2: Od ... - Pedagoški inštitut

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Šolsko <strong>polje</strong>, <strong>letnik</strong> <strong>XXII</strong>, številka 1–22030 in se močno opirajo na ogrodja kvalifikacij. Tudi v Sloveniji moramotemeljiteje preveriti dosedanja pojmovanja visokošolskega sistema, njegoveavtonomije, vloge zasebnega sektorja, institucionalne in programske zgradbeter ogrodja kvalifikacij v visokem šolstvu. S kritičnimi očmi je treba pogledatina internacionalizacijo, ker smo na pragu vojn za znanje. Pri zagotavljanjukakovosti ni mogoče več mimo vsestranske uporabe IKT. Slovenija imaresen problem s tem, da je v svetovnem vrhu glede stopnje medgeneracijskevztrajnosti pri doseganju izobraževalnih ravni.Ključne besede: znanje kot skupno dobro, nadnacionalna regulacija visokegašolstva, planiranje visokega šolstva, ogrodje kvalifikacij, visokošolskisistem, internacionalizacija, rangiranje univerzConsiderations regarding the <strong>2011</strong>–2020 NationalHigher Education ProgramHigher education is distancing itself from the idea of knowledge as acommon good and is turning into a market-based knowledge industry. Thisis facilitated by omnipresent transnational regulation, which is tailored tosuit the most developed countries and is also part of the Bologna Process.New development strategies for higher education extending up to 2030 areemerging and they rely heavily on the qualifications framework. In Sloveniaas well, there should be more thorough examination of the current understandingof the higher education system and its autonomy, the role of theprivate sector, and its institutional and program structures, as well as the highereducation qualifications framework. Internationalization should be lookedupon critically because a war for knowledge is imminent. Comprehensiveuse of ICT should be incorporated into quality assurance. Because of itsposition among the world’s top countries in terms of intergenerational persistencein attaining educational levels, Slovenia is faced with a serious problem.Keywords: knowledge as a common good, transnational regulation ofhigher education, higher education planning, qualifications framework, highereducation system, internationalization, university ranking272

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