03.11.2013 Aufrufe

Modulhandbuch - Staatliche Studienakademie Plauen

Modulhandbuch - Staatliche Studienakademie Plauen

Modulhandbuch - Staatliche Studienakademie Plauen


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Studienordnung Studiengang<br />

Handel und Internationales Management<br />

Anlage 2 - <strong>Modulhandbuch</strong><br />

Berufsakademie Sachsen<br />

<strong>Staatliche</strong> <strong>Studienakademie</strong> <strong>Plauen</strong><br />

Economics of the European Union<br />

This module goes beyond the principles of economics. It explores managerial importance of international<br />

economic relations exemplified by the European integration. Considerable attention will be<br />

placed on the objective of the “four freedoms”, the progress towards a single market and its implications<br />

for companies.<br />

Modulcode<br />

7HI-AHIM2-AI<br />

Belegung gemäß Studienablaufplan<br />

Semester 4<br />

Credits<br />

Modultyp<br />

Pflichtmodul<br />

Dauer<br />

1 Semester<br />

Verwendbarkeit<br />

4 Studienrichtung Außenhandel und Internationales<br />

Management<br />

Zulassungsvoraussetzungen für die Modulprüfung<br />

--<br />

Empfohlene Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme am Modul<br />

Außenhandel (7HI-SBWL1-HI)<br />

Volkswirtschaftslehre (7HI-VWR1-HI)<br />

Principles of International Management (7HI-AHIM1-AI)<br />

Lerninhalte<br />

• Chronology of the European Union<br />

• The Treaty of Rome and the internal market<br />

• The European Monetary System and the Exchange Rate Mechanism<br />

• European Monetary Union<br />

• Monetary Policy by the Eurosystem<br />

• Accession Countries and the Euro<br />

• Stability and Growth Pact<br />

• Institutional Reform<br />

• Economic data in member states<br />

Lernergebnisse<br />

Wissen und Verstehen<br />

Wissensverbreiterung<br />

Students are able to outline the chronology of the EU and understand that the EU has followed an<br />

evolutionary process. They have a sound knowledge of the objectives of the Treaty of Rome as well<br />

as the costs and benefits of the single currency for consumers as well as companies. They know<br />

about the implications of the single currency for labour market flexibility.<br />


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