Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Series 2 - The Still Small ...

Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Series 2 - The Still Small ...

Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Series 2 - The Still Small ...


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Chapter XVIII.<br />

In what manner in the confession of the three hypostases we preserve the pious dogma of the<br />

Monarchia. Wherein also is the refutation of them that allege that the Spirit is subnumerated.<br />

1085<br />

44. In delivering the formula of the Father, the Son, <strong>and</strong> the Holy Ghost, 1086 our Lord<br />

did not connect the gift with number. He did not say “into First, Second, <strong>and</strong> Third,” 1087<br />

nor yet “into one, two, <strong>and</strong> three, but He gave us the boon of the knowledge of the faith<br />

1085 <strong>The</strong> term Μοναρχία first acquired importance in patristic literature in Justin’s work De monarchia,<br />

against Polytheism. Of the lost letter of Irenæus to the Roman Presbyter Florinus, who was deposed for heresy,<br />

presumably gnostic, the title, according to Eusebius (H.E. v. 20), was περὶ Μοναρχίας, ἢ περὶ τοῦ μὴ εἶναι τὸν<br />

θεὸν ποιητὴν κακῶν. Later it came to be used to express not the Divine unity as opposed to Polytheism or<br />

Oriental Dualism, but the Divine unity as opposed to Tritheism. Vide the words of Dionysius of Rome, as<br />

quoted by Athan. De Decretis, § 26, “Next let me turn to those who cut in pieces, divide, <strong>and</strong> destroy that most<br />

sacred doctrine of the church of God, the divine Monarchy, making it, as it were, three powers <strong>and</strong> divided<br />

subsistences <strong>and</strong> three godheads.” So St. Basil Cont. Eunom. ii. ᾽Αρχὴ μὲν οὖν πατρὸς οὐδεμία, ἀρχὴ δὲ τοῦ υἱοῦ<br />

ὁ πατήρ. And in Ep. xxxviii. ᾽Αλλά τίς ἐστι δύναμις ἀγεννήτως καὶ ἀνάρχως ὑφεοτῶσα ἥτις ἐςτὶν αἰτία τῆς<br />

ἁπάντων τῶν ὄντων αἰτίας, ἐκ γὰρ τοῦ πατρὸς ὁ υἱ& 232·ς δι᾽ οὗ τὰ πάντα. And in Ep. cxxv. Ενα γὰρ οἴδαμεν<br />

ἀγέννητον καὶ μίαν τῶν πάντων ἀρχὴν, τὸν πατέρα τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν ᾽Ιησοῦ Χριστοῦ. On the doctrine <strong>and</strong><br />

its exponents compare § 72 of the De Sp. S. On the other h<strong>and</strong> “Monarchians” was a name connoting heresy<br />

when applied to those who pushed the doctrine of the Unity to an extreme, involving denial of a Trinity. Of<br />

these, among the more noteworthy were Paul of Samosata, bp. of Antioch, who was deposed in 269, a represent-<br />

ative of thinkers who have been called dynamical monarchians, <strong>and</strong> Praxeas (supposed by some to be a nickname),<br />

who taught at Rome in the reign of Marcus Aurelius, <strong>and</strong> of whom Tertullian, the originator of the term patri-<br />

passians, as applied to Monarchians, wrote “Paracletum fugavit et patrem crucifixit.” This heretical Monarchi-<br />

anism culminated in Sabellius, the “most original, ingenious, <strong>and</strong> profound of the Monarchians.” Schaff. Hist.<br />

Chr. <strong>Church</strong>, i. 293. cf. Gisseler, i. p. 127, Harnack’s Monarchianismus in Herzog’s Real Encyclopædie, Vol. x.<br />

Thomasius Dog. Gesch. i. p. 179, <strong>and</strong> Fialon Et. Hist. p. 241.<br />

1086 Matt. xxviii. 19.<br />

In what manner in the confession of the three hypostases we preserve the…<br />

1087 Mr. C.F.H. Johnston quotes as instances of the application of the word “third” to the Holy Ghost; Justin<br />

Martyr (Apol. i. 13) “We honour the Spirit of prophecy in the third rank.” Tertullian (In Prax. 8) “As the fruit<br />

from the tree is third from the root, <strong>and</strong> the rivulet from the river third from the source, <strong>and</strong> the flame from the<br />

ray third from the sun.” Eunomius (Lib. Apol. § 25) “observing the teaching of Saints, we have learned from<br />

them that the Holy Spirit is third in dignity <strong>and</strong> order, <strong>and</strong> so have believed him to be third in nature also.” On<br />

the last St. Basil (Adv. Eunom. ii.) rejoins “Perhaps the word of piety allows Him to come in rank second to the<br />

Son…although He is inferior to the Son in rank <strong>and</strong> dignity (that we may make the utmost possible concession)<br />

199<br />


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