Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Series 2 - The Still Small ...

Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Series 2 - The Still Small ...

Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Series 2 - The Still Small ...


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<strong>and</strong> university life. 63 <strong>The</strong> assigned date, 357, may be reasonably accepted, <strong>and</strong> shortly after<br />

his baptism he was ordained Reader. 64 It was about this that he visited monastic settlements<br />

in Palestine, Mesopotamia, Cœle Syria, <strong>and</strong> Egypt, 65 though he was not so fortunate as to<br />

encounter the great pope Athanasius. 66 Probably during this tour he began the friendship<br />

with Eusebius of Samosata which lasted so long.<br />

To the same period we may also refer his renunciation of his share of the family property.<br />

67 Maran would appear to date this before the Syrian <strong>and</strong> Egyptian tour, a journey<br />

which can hardly have been accomplished without considerable expense. But, in truth, with<br />

every desire to do justice to the self-denial <strong>and</strong> unworldliness of St. Basil <strong>and</strong> of other likeminded<br />

<strong>and</strong> like-lived champions of the Faith, it cannot but be observed that, at all events<br />

in Basil’s case, the renunciation must be understood with some reasonable reservation. <strong>The</strong><br />

great archbishop has been claimed as a “socialist,” whatever may be meant in these days by<br />

the term. 68 But St. Basil did not renounce all property himself, <strong>and</strong> had a keen sense of its<br />

rights in the case of his friends. 69 From his letter on behalf of his foster-brother, placed by<br />

Maran during his presbyterate, 70 it would appear that this foster-brother, Dorotheus, was<br />

allowed a life tenancy of a house <strong>and</strong> farm on the family estate, with a certain number of<br />

slaves, on condition that Basil should be supported out of the profits. Here we have l<strong>and</strong>lord,<br />

tenant, rent, <strong>and</strong> unearned increment. St. Basil can scarcely be fairly cited as a practical<br />

apostle of some of the chapters of the socialist evangel of the end of the nineteenth century.<br />

But ancient eulogists of the great archbishop, anxious to represent him as a good monk,<br />

63 According to the legendary life of St. Basil, attributed to St. Amphilochius, he was baptized at Jerusalem.<br />

Nor is it right to omit to notice the argument of Wall (Infant Baptism, ch. x.) founded on a coincidence between<br />

two passages in the writings of Greg. Naz. In Or. xl. ad init. he speaks of baptism as a γένεσις ἡμερινὴ καὶ<br />

ἐλευθέρα καὶ λυτικὴ παθῶν, πᾶν τὸ ἀπὸ γενέσεως κάλυμμα περιτέμνουσα, καὶ πρὸς τὴν ἄνω ζωὴν ἐπανάγουσα.<br />

In Or. xliii., he says of Basil that τὰ πρῶτα τῆς ἡλικίας ῦπὸ τῷ πατρὶ…σπαργανοῦται καὶ διαπλάττεται πλάσιν<br />

τὴν ἀρίστην τε καὶ καθαρωτάτην, ἣν ἡμερινὴν ὁ θεῖος Δαβιδ καλῶς ὀνουάζει καὶ τῆς νυχτερινῆς ἀντίθετον.<br />

As they st<strong>and</strong> alone, there is something to be said for the conclusion Wall deduces from these passages. Against<br />

it there is the tradition of the later baptism, with the indication of Dianius as having performed the rite in the<br />

De Sp. Scto. 29. On the other h<strong>and</strong> τὰ πρῶτα τῆς ἡλικιας might possibly refer not to infancy, but to boyhood.<br />

64 De S. Scto. xxiv. On his growing seriousness of character, cf. Ep. ccxxiii.<br />

65 Epp. i. <strong>and</strong> ccxxiii. § 2.<br />

66 Ep. lxxx.<br />

67 cf. Ep. ccxxiii. § 2. Greg. Naz., Or. xliii.<br />

68 e.g. <strong>The</strong> New Party, 1894, pp. 82 <strong>and</strong> 83, quoting Bas., In Isa. i., Hom. in illud Lucæ Destruam horrea, § 7,<br />

<strong>and</strong> Hom. in Divites.<br />

69 Epp. iii., xxxvi. cf. Dr. Travers Smith, Basil, p. 33.<br />

70 Ep. xxxvii.<br />

Life at Cæsarea; Baptism; <strong>and</strong> Adoption of Monastic Life.<br />

17<br />


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