Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Series 2 - The Still Small ...

Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Series 2 - The Still Small ...

Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Series 2 - The Still Small ...


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XXII. Men who keep women carried off by violence, if they carried them off when betrothed<br />

to other men, must not be received before removal of the women <strong>and</strong> their restoration<br />

to those to whom they were first contracted, whether they wish to receive them, or to separate<br />

from them. In the case of a girl who has been taken when not betrothed, she ought first to<br />

be removed, <strong>and</strong> restored to her own people, <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>ed over to the will of her own people<br />

whether parents, or brothers, or any one having authority over her. If they choose to give<br />

her up, the cohabitation may st<strong>and</strong>; but, if they refuse, no violence should be used. In the<br />

case of a man having a wife by seduction, be it secret or by violence, he must be held guilty<br />

of fornication. <strong>The</strong> punishment of fornicators is fixed at four years. In the first year they<br />

must be expelled from prayer, <strong>and</strong> weep at the door of the church; in the second they may<br />

be received to sermon; in the third to penance; in the fourth to st<strong>and</strong>ing with the people,<br />

while they are withheld from the oblation. Finally, they may be admitted to the communion<br />

of the good gift.<br />

XXIII. Concerning men who marry two sisters, or women who marry two brothers a<br />

short letter of mine has been published, of which I have sent a copy to your reverence. 2703<br />

<strong>The</strong> man who has taken his own brother’s wife is not to be received until he have separated<br />

from her.<br />

XXIV. A widow whose name is in the list of widows, that is, who is supported 2704 by<br />

the <strong>Church</strong>, is ordered by the Apostle to be supported no longer when she marries. 2705<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is no special rule for a widower. <strong>The</strong> punishment appointed for digamy may<br />

suffice. If a widow who is sixty years of age chooses again to live with a husb<strong>and</strong>, she shall<br />

be held unworthy of the communion of the good gift until she be moved no longer by her<br />

impure desire. If we reckon her before sixty years, the blame rests with us, <strong>and</strong> not with the<br />

woman.<br />

XXV. <strong>The</strong> man who retains as his wife the woman whom he has violated, shall be liable<br />

to the penalty of rape, but it shall be lawful for him to have her to wife.<br />

XXVI. Fornication is not wedlock, nor yet the beginning of wedlock. Wherefore it is<br />

best, if possible, to put asunder those who are united in fornication. If they are set on cohab-<br />

declinarit. Canon 8, Neocæsariensis laicis, quorum uxores adulterii convictæ, aditum ad ministerium ecclesiast-<br />

icum claudit; clericis depositionis pœnam irrogat, si adulteram nolint dimittere. Canon 65 Eliberitanus sic habet:<br />

Si cujus clerici uxor fuerit mæchata, et scierit eam maritus suus mæchari, et non eam statim projecerit, nec in<br />

fine accipiat communionem. Hermas lib. i, c. 2, adulteram ejici jubet, sed tamen pœnitentem recipi. S. Augustinus<br />

adulterium legitimam esse dimittendi causam pronuntiat, sed non necessariam, lib. ii. De Adulter. nuptiis, cap.<br />

5, n. 13.”<br />

2703 Probably Letter clx. to Diodorus is referred to.<br />

2704 Διακονουμένην. So the Ben. Ed. Another possible rendering is “received into the order of deaconesses.”<br />

2705 1 Tim. v. 11, 12.<br />

To Amphilochius, concerning the Canons.<br />

681<br />


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