Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Series 2 - The Still Small ...

Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Series 2 - The Still Small ...

Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Series 2 - The Still Small ...


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ounds in the extravagance of the honour we pay? Shall we not rather fear lest, even though<br />

we seem to give Him the highest names which the thoughts of man can conceive or man’s<br />

tongue utter, we let our thoughts about Him fall too low?<br />

It is the Spirit which says, as the Lord says, “Get thee down, <strong>and</strong> go with them, doubting<br />

nothing: for I have sent them.” 1134 Are these the words of an inferior, or of one in dread?<br />

“Separate me Barnabas <strong>and</strong> Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.” 1135 Does a<br />

slave speak thus? And Isaiah, “<strong>The</strong> Lord God <strong>and</strong> His Spirit hath sent me,” 1136 <strong>and</strong> “the<br />

Spirit came down from the Lord <strong>and</strong> guided them.” 1137 And pray do not again underst<strong>and</strong><br />

by this guidance some humble service, for the Word witnesses that it was the work of<br />

God;—“Thou leddest thy people,” it is said “like a flock,” 1138 <strong>and</strong> “Thou that leadest Joseph<br />

like a flock,” 1139 <strong>and</strong> “He led them on safely, so that they feared not.” 1140 Thus when you<br />

hear that when the Comforter is come, He will put you in remembrance, <strong>and</strong> “guide you<br />

into all truth,” 1141 do not misrepresent the meaning.<br />

50. But, it is said that “He maketh intercession for us.” 1142 It follows then that, as the<br />

suppliant is inferior to the benefactor, so far is the Spirit inferior in dignity to God. But<br />

1134 Acts x. 20.<br />

1135 Acts xiii. 2.<br />

1136 Isa. xlviii. 16. Mr. C. F. Johnston remarks: “In Isaiah xlviii. 16 St. Didymus, as translated by St. Jerome,<br />

gives Spiritum suum. <strong>The</strong> Targum has the same. St. Ambrose writes: ‘Quis est qui dicit; misit me Dominus Deus<br />

et Spiritus Ejus; nisi Qui venit a Patre, ut salvos faceret peccatores? Quem ut audis, et Spiritus misit; ne cum legis<br />

quia Filius Spiritum mittit, inferioris esse Spiritum crederes potestatis,’ (De Sp. S. iii. 1, § 7.) <strong>The</strong> passage is quoted<br />

by St. Athanasius, St. Basil, St. Cyril Hieros., <strong>and</strong>, as far as the editor is aware, without any comment which<br />

would help to determine their way of underst<strong>and</strong>ing the case of τὸ πνεῦμα; but Origen, on the words ‘Whosoever<br />

shall humble himself as this little child’ (Comm. in Evang., Matt. xiii. 18) says,—quoting the original, which may<br />

be rendered, “‘humbling himself as this little child is imitating the Holy Spirit, who humbled Himself for men’s<br />

salvation. That the Saviour <strong>and</strong> the Holy Ghost were sent by the Father for the salvation of men is made plain<br />

by Isaiah saying, in the person of the Saviour, ‘the Lord sent me, <strong>and</strong> His Spirit.’ It must be observed, however,<br />

that the phrase is ambiguous, for either God sent <strong>and</strong> the Holy Ghost also sent, the Saviour; or, as I underst<strong>and</strong>,<br />

the Father sent both, the Saviour <strong>and</strong> the Holy Ghost.’” <strong>The</strong> Vulgate <strong>and</strong> Beza both render “Spiritus.” <strong>The</strong> order<br />

of the Hebrew is in favour of the nominative, as in the Vulgate <strong>and</strong> lxx. cf. Note A on Chap. xlviii. of Isaiah in<br />

the Speaker’s Commentary.<br />

1137 Is. lxii. 14, LXX.<br />

1138 Ps. lxxvii. 20.<br />

1139 Ps. lxxx. 1.<br />

1140 Ps. lxxviii. 53.<br />

1141 John xvi. 13. cf. xiv. 26.<br />

1142 Rom. viii. 26, 27.<br />

Against those who assert that the Spirit ought not to be glorified.<br />


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