Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Series 2 - The Still Small ...

Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Series 2 - The Still Small ...

Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Series 2 - The Still Small ...


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To the Chorepiscopi.<br />

Letter LIV. 2199<br />

I am much distressed that the canons of the <strong>Fathers</strong> have fallen through, <strong>and</strong> that the<br />

exact discipline of the <strong>Church</strong> has been banished from among you. I am apprehensive lest,<br />

as this indifference grows, the affairs of the <strong>Church</strong> should, little by little, fall into confusion.<br />

According to the ancient custom observed in the <strong>Church</strong>es of God, ministers in the <strong>Church</strong><br />

were received after careful examination; the whole of their life was investigated; an enquiry<br />

was made as to their being neither railers nor drunkards, not quick to quarrel, keeping their<br />

youth in subjection, so as to be able to maintain “the holiness without which no man shall<br />

see the Lord.” 2200 This examination was made by presbyters <strong>and</strong> deacons living with them.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n they brought them to the Chorepiscopi; <strong>and</strong> the Chorepiscopi, after receiving the<br />

suffrages of the witnesses as to the truth <strong>and</strong> giving information to the Bishop, so admitted<br />

the minister to the sacerdotal order. 2201 Now, however, you have quite passed me over;<br />

you have not even had the grace to refer to me, <strong>and</strong> have transferred the whole authority to<br />

yourselves. Furthermore, with complete indifference, you have allowed presbyters <strong>and</strong><br />

deacons to introduce unworthy persons into the <strong>Church</strong>, just any one they choose, without<br />

any previous examination of life <strong>and</strong> character, by mere favoritism, on the score of relationship<br />

or some other tie. <strong>The</strong> consequence is, that in every village, there are reckoned many<br />

2199 Placed at the same time as the foregoing.<br />

2200 Heb. xii. 14.<br />

2201 <strong>The</strong> Ben. note runs, “Ministros, sive subdiaconos, sacratorum ordini ascribit Basilius. Synodus Laodicena<br />

inferiores clericos sacratorum numero non comprehendit, sed numerat sacratos a presbyteris usque ad diaconos,<br />

ἀπο πρεσβυτέρων ἕως διακόνων, can. 24, distinguit canone 27, ἱερατικοὺς, ἢ κληρικοὺς ἢ λαικοὺς, sive sacratos,<br />

sive clericos, sive laicos. Et can. 30. ῞Οτι οὑ δεῖ ἱερατικὸν ἢ κληρικὸν ἢ ἀσκητὴν ἐν βαλανειῳ μετὰ γυναικῶν<br />

ἀπολούεσθαι, μηδὲ πάντα Χριστιανὸν ἢ λαϊκόν. Non oportet sacratum vel clericum aut ascetam in balneo cum<br />

mulieribus lavari. sed nec ullum Christianum aut laïcum. Non sequuntur hujus synodi morem ecclesiastici<br />

scriptores. Basilius, epist. 287, excommunicato omne cum sacratis commercium intercludit. Et in epist. 198,<br />

ἱερατεῖον intelligit cœtum clericorum, eique ascribit clericos qui epistolas episcopi perferebant. Athanasius ad<br />

Rufinianum scribens, rogat eum ut epistolam legat ἱερατεί& 251· et populo. Gregorius Nazianzenus lectores sacri<br />

ordinis, ἱεροῦ ταγματος, partem esse agnoscit in epist. 45. Not<strong>and</strong>us etiam canon 8 apostolicus, ει τις ἐπίσκοπος<br />

ἢ etc. πρεσβύτερος ἢ διάκονος ἢ ἐκ τοῦ ἱεραρικοῦ καταλόγον, etc. Si quis episcopus vel presbyter vel diaconus,<br />

vel ex sacro ordine. Hæc visa sunt observ<strong>and</strong>a, quia pluribus Basilii locis, quæ deinceps occurrent, non parum<br />

afferent lucis.” <strong>The</strong> letter of the Council in Illyricum uses ἱερατικὸν τάγμα in precisely the same way. <strong>The</strong>od.,<br />

Ecc. Hist. iv. 8, where see note on p. 113. So Sozomen, On the Council of Nicæa, i. 23. Ordo, the nearest Latin<br />

equivalent to the Greek τάγμα, was originally used of any estate in the church, e.g. St. Jerome, On Isaiah v. 19,<br />

18. On the testing of qualifications for orders, cf. St. Cyprian, Ep. lxviii.<br />

To the Chorepiscopi.<br />


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