Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Series 2 - The Still Small ...

Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Series 2 - The Still Small ...

Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Series 2 - The Still Small ...


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Of the origin of the word “with,” <strong>and</strong> what force it has. Also concerning…<br />

Gospel in its very vitals; or, rather, should make our public definition a mere phrase <strong>and</strong><br />

nothing more. 1271 For instance, to take the first <strong>and</strong> most general example, who is thence<br />

who has taught us in writing to sign with the sign of the cross those who have trusted in the<br />

name of our Lord Jesus Christ? What writing has taught us to turn to the East at the prayer?<br />

Which of the saints has left us in writing the words of the invocation at the displaying 1272<br />

of the bread of the Eucharist <strong>and</strong> the cup of blessing? For we are not, as is well known,<br />

content with what the apostle or the Gospel has recorded, but both in preface <strong>and</strong> conclusion<br />

we add other words as being of great importance to the validity of the ministry, <strong>and</strong> these<br />

we derive from unwritten teaching. Moreover we bless the water of baptism <strong>and</strong> the oil of<br />

the chrism, <strong>and</strong> besides this the catechumen who is being baptized. On what written authority<br />

do we do this? Is not our authority silent <strong>and</strong> mystical tradition? Nay, by what written<br />

1271 i.e. if nothing were of weight but what was written, what need of any authorisation at all? <strong>The</strong>re is no<br />

need of κήρυγμα for a δόγμα expressly written in Scripture.<br />

1272 ἐπὶ τῇ ἀναδείξει. <strong>The</strong> Benedictine note is: “Non respicit Basilius ad ritum ostensionis Eucharistiæ, ut<br />

multi existimarunt, sed potius ad verba Liturgiæ ipsi ascriptæ, cum petit sacerdos, ut veniat Spiritus sanctus<br />

ἁγιάσαι και ἀναδεῖξαι τὸν μὲν ἄρτον τοῦτον αὐτὸ τὸ τίμιον σῶμα τοῦ κυρίου. Haec autem verba ἐπὶ τῇ<br />

ἀναδειξει, sic reddit Erasmus,cum ostenditur. Vituperat eum Ducæus; sicque ipse vertit, cum conficitur, atque<br />

hanc interpretationem multis exemplis confirmat. Videtur tamen nihil prorsus vitii habitura haec interpretatio,<br />

Invocationis verba cum ostenditur panis Eucharistiæ, id est, cum panis non jam panis est, sed panis Eucharistiæ,<br />

sive corpus Christi ostenditur; et in liturgia, ut sanctificet et ostendat hunc quidem panem, ipsum pretiosum<br />

corpus Domini. Nam 1 0 Cur eam vocem reformidemus, qua Latini uti non dubitant, ubi de Eucharistia loquuntur?<br />

Quale est illud Cypriani in epistola 63 ad Cæcilium: Vino Christi sanguis ostenditur. Sic etiam Tertullianus I.<br />

Marc. c. 14: Panem quo ipsum corpus suum repræsentat 2 0 Ut Græce, ἀναδεῖξαι, ἀποφαίνειν, ita etiam Latine,<br />

ostendere, corpus Christi præsens in Eucharistia significatione quodam modo exprimit. Hoc enim verbum non<br />

solum panem fieri corpus Domini significat, sed etiam fidem nostram excitat, ut illud corpus sub specie panis<br />

videndum, tegendum, ador<strong>and</strong>um ostendi credamus. Quemadmodum Irenæus, cum ait lib. iv. cap. 33: Accipiens<br />

panem suum corpus esse confitebatur, et temperamentum calicis suum sanguinem conformavit, non solum<br />

mutationem panis et vini in corpus et sanguinem Christi exprimit, sed ipsam etiam Christi asseverationem, quæ<br />

hanc nobis mutationem persuadet: sic qui corpus Christi in Eucharistia ostendi et repræsentari dicunt, non modo<br />

jejuno et exiliter loqui non videntur, sed etiam acriores Christi præsentis ador<strong>and</strong>i stimulos subjicere. Poterat<br />

ergo retineri interpretatio Erasmi; sed quia viris eruditis displicuit, satius visum est quid sentirem in hac nota ex-<br />

ponere.” This view of the meaning of ἀναδείκνυσθαι <strong>and</strong> ἀνάδειξις as being equivalent to ποιεῖν <strong>and</strong> ποίησις<br />

is borne out <strong>and</strong> illustrated by Suicer, S.V. “Ex his jam satis liquere arbitror ἀναδειξαι apud Basilium id esse<br />

quod alii Græci patres dicunt ποιεῖν vel ἀποφαίνειν σῶμα χριστοῦ.” It is somewhat curious to find Bellarmine<br />

(De Sacr. Euch. iv. § 14) interpreting the prayer to God εὐλογῆσαι καὶ ἁγιάσαι καὶ ἀναδεῖξαι to mean “ostende<br />

per effectum salutarem in mentibus nostris istum panem salutificatum non esse panem vulgarem sed cœlestem.”<br />

232<br />


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