Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Series 2 - The Still Small ...

Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Series 2 - The Still Small ...

Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Series 2 - The Still Small ...


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To Nectarius.<br />

Letter CCXC. 3253<br />

May many blessings rest on those who encourage your excellency in maintaining a<br />

constant correspondence with me! And regard not such a wish as conventional merely, but<br />

as expressing my sincere conviction of the value of your utterances. Whom could I honour<br />

above Nectarius—known to me from his earliest days as a child of fairest promise, who now<br />

through the exercise of every virtue has reached a position of the highest eminence?—So<br />

much so, that of all my friends the dearest is the bearer of your letter.<br />

Touching the election of those set over districts, 3254 God forbid that I should do anything<br />

for the gratification of man, through listening to importunities or yielding to fear. In that<br />

case I should be not a steward, but a huckster, battering the gift of God for the favour of<br />

man. But seeing that votes are given but by mortals, who can only bear such testimony as<br />

they do from outward appearances, while the choice of fit persons is committed in all humility<br />

to Him Who knows the secrets of the heart, haply it is best for everybody, when he<br />

has tendered the evidence of his vote, to abstain from all heat <strong>and</strong> contention, as though<br />

some self-interest were involved in the testimony, <strong>and</strong> to pray to God that what is advantageous<br />

may not remain unknown. Thus the result is no longer attributable to man, but a<br />

cause for thankfulness to God. For these things, if they be of man, cannot be said to be; but<br />

are pretence only, altogether void of reality.<br />

Consider also, that when a man strives with might <strong>and</strong> main to gain his end, there is no<br />

small danger of his drawing even sinners to his side; <strong>and</strong> there is much sinfulness, such is<br />

the weakness of man’s nature, even where we should least expect it.<br />

Again, in private consultation we often offer our friends good advice, <strong>and</strong>, though we<br />

do not find them taking it, yet we are not angry. Where then it is not man that counsels,<br />

but God that determines, shall we feel indignation at not being preferred before the determination<br />

of God?<br />

And if these things were given to man by man, what need were there for us to ask them<br />

of ourselves? Were it not better for each to take them from himself? But if they are the gift<br />

of God, we ought to pray <strong>and</strong> not to grieve. And in our prayer we should not seek our own<br />

will, but leave it to God who disposes for the best.<br />

3253 Placed in the episcopate.<br />

3254 On the word συμμορίας the Ben. note is: “Hac voce non designatur tota diocesis, sed certos quidam<br />

pagorum numerus chorepiscopo commissus, ut patet ex epist. cxlii.,” q.v., “erat autem chorepiscoporum sedes insigni<br />

alicui affixa pago, cui alii pagi attribuebantur. Unde Basilius in epist. clxxxviii. § 10. Auctor est Amphilochio ut<br />

agrum Mestiæ subjectum Vasodis subjiciat.<br />

To Nectarius.<br />

860<br />


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