Patent It Yourself - PDF Archive

Patent It Yourself - PDF Archive

Patent It Yourself - PDF Archive


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Appendix 3 | GLOSSARIES | 471<br />

If it can later be proved that the inventor knew of a better<br />

way (or “best mode”) and failed to disclose it, that failure<br />

could result in the loss of patent rights.<br />

statute of limitations the legally prescribed time limit<br />

in which a lawsuit must be filed. In patent law there is<br />

no time limit (statute of limitations) for filing a patent<br />

infringement lawsuit, but monetary damages can only<br />

be recovered for infringements committed during the<br />

six years prior to the filing the lawsuit. For example, if<br />

a patent owner sues after ten years of infringement, the<br />

owner cannot recover monetary damages for the first<br />

four years of infringement. Despite the fact that there is<br />

no law setting a time limit, courts will not permit a patent<br />

owner to sue for infringement if the owner has waited an<br />

unreasonable time to file the lawsuit (“laches”).<br />

Statutory Invention Registration (SIR) a document that<br />

allows an applicant who abandons an application to<br />

prevent anyone else from getting a valid patent on the<br />

same invention. This is accomplished by converting the<br />

patent application to a SIR.<br />

statutory subject matter an invention that falls into one<br />

of the five statutory classes: process (method), machine,<br />

article of manufacture, composition, or a “new use” of<br />

one of the first four.<br />

substitute application essentially a duplicate of an<br />

abandoned patent application. (See MPEP § 201.09.)<br />

The disadvantage of a substitute application is that the<br />

applicant doesn’t get the benefit of the filing date of the<br />

previously abandoned patent application, which could<br />

be useful, because any prior art occurring after the filing<br />

date of the earlier case can be used against the substitute<br />

case. If the applicant’s substitute application issues into a<br />

patent, the patent will expire 20 years from the filing date<br />

of the substitute.<br />

successor liability responsibility for infringement that is<br />

borne by a company that has purchased another company<br />

that is liable for infringements. In order for successor<br />

liability to occur, there must be an agreement between<br />

the companies to assume liability, a merger between the<br />

companies, or the purchaser must be a “continuation”<br />

of the purchased business. If the sale is made to escape<br />

liability and lacks any of the foregoing characteristics,<br />

liability will still attach.<br />

summons a document served with the complaint that tells<br />

the defendant he has been sued, has a certain time limit<br />

in which to respond, and must appear in court on a stated<br />

date.<br />

temporary restraining order (TRO) a court order that tells<br />

one party to do or stop doing something—for example<br />

to stop infringing. A TRO is issued after the aggrieved<br />

party appears before a judge. Once the TRO is issued, the<br />

court holds a second hearing where the other side can<br />

tell its story and the court can decide whether to make<br />

the TRO permanent by issuing an injunction. The TRO<br />

is often granted ex parte (without allowing the other side<br />

to respond), and for that reason is short in duration and<br />

only remains in effect until the court has an opportunity<br />

to schedule a hearing for the preliminary injunction.<br />

traverse to argue against.<br />

tying a form of patent misuse in which, as a condition of<br />

a transaction, the buyer of a patented device must also<br />

purchase an additional product. For example, in one case<br />

a company had a patent on a machine that deposited salt<br />

tablets in canned food. Purchasers of the machine were<br />

also required to buy salt tablets from the patent owner.<br />

A party that commits patent misuse may have its patent<br />

invalidated, may have to pay monetary damages, or both.<br />

utility patent the main type of patent, which covers<br />

inventions that function in a unique manner to produce a<br />

utilitarian result.<br />

verified statement a statement made under oath or a<br />

declaration. A false verified statement is punishable as<br />

perjury.<br />

vicarious liability legal responsibility that results when a<br />

business such as a corporation or partnership is liable for<br />

infringements committed by employees or agents. This<br />

liability attaches when the agent acts under the authority<br />

or direction of the business, an employee acts within the<br />

scope of employment, or the business benefits from, or<br />

adopts or approves the infringing activity.<br />

voir dire (“speak the truth”) process by which attorneys and<br />

judges question potential jurors in order to determine<br />

whether they may be fair and impartial.<br />


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