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a Chapter 9 Fetal and Maternal Cardiovascular Physiology 115<br />

dynamic alterations during pregnancy similar to<br />

those observed in humans. Although these animal experiments<br />

allow us to emphasize some common fundamental<br />

control mechanisms in both the development<br />

and control of the uteroplacental circulation, it<br />

should be appreciated that significant variations (e.g.,<br />

type of placentation) are known to exist among species.<br />

Blood flow to the uterus during early pregnancy<br />

has been most comprehensively studied in the pig<br />

[31]. In this species, a sharp peak of uterine blood<br />

flow to the pregnant horn is observed on days 12 and<br />

13 after mating, before definite attachment of the embryo<br />

occurs, suggesting an early, local effect of the<br />

blastocyst on uterine blood flow. This phase is followed<br />

by a progressive and dynamic increase beginning<br />

on day 18 or 19, which corresponds to the day<br />

of implantation and the initiation of placentation.<br />

Studies in sheep have correlated the changes in<br />

uteroplacental blood flow to the growth and development<br />

of the placenta of the fetus and have provided<br />

some insight into the long-term regulatory mechanisms<br />

controlling the development of the uteroplacental<br />

circulation. In the nonpregnant ovariectomized<br />

sheep, uterine blood flow is approximately 25 ml/min<br />

and increases to 400 ml/min at midpregnancy when<br />

definite placentation is complete. Absolute uterine<br />

blood flow increases beginning at midpregnancy until<br />

term to reach a level of 1,500 ml/min (term is at approximately<br />

146 days), although uterine blood flow<br />

per gram of total uterine (and fetal) weight remains<br />

constant. These values of uterine blood flows represent<br />

approximately 0.5%, 8.0%, and 20.0% of cardiac<br />

output, respectively [19, 32].<br />

The distribution of blood flow within the gravid<br />

uterus was measured using the radiolabeled microsphere<br />

technique [33]. At an early stage of gestation<br />

(second month) the myometrium and endometrium<br />

receive approximately 70% of total uterine blood flow.<br />

During the third month of pregnancy the placenta attains<br />

its maximum size and becomes the major component<br />

of uterine weight, and placental blood flow represents<br />

approximately 60% of the total. During the<br />

final 2 months there is no further placental growth,<br />

but fetal weight increases exponentially; during this<br />

stage of gestation there is a three- to fourfold increase<br />

in placental blood flow, and near term it accounts for<br />

80%±90% of total uterine blood flow [19, 33].<br />

These observations suggest that the longitudinal<br />

hemodynamic changes in the uteroplacental circulation<br />

are directly related to the growth rate of the tissue<br />

it supplies. There are two stages in the growth<br />

and development of the uteroplacental circulation.<br />

The first stage extends from the time of implantation<br />

through 80±90 days' gestation and is reflective of the<br />

period of placental growth and development of new<br />

blood vessels [34]. The second stage extends over the<br />

last 2 months of pregnancy. During this period there<br />

is no further growth of the placenta and no formation<br />

of new blood vessels, as reflected by the number<br />

of maternal and endothelial cells [34]. There is an increase<br />

in the cross-sectional area of the uterine vascular<br />

bed, however, and placental perfusion continues<br />

to increase until term to accommodate fetal growth.<br />

The progressive increment in uteroplacental perfusion<br />

and the progressive decline in uterine vascular resistance<br />

during the second stage of pregnancy are secondary<br />

not only to vasodilation of the uteroplacental<br />

vascular bed (inasmuch as studies in unanesthetized<br />

sheep have shown that the vasculature is nearly maximally<br />

dilated [35±38]) but also to the gradual increase<br />

in the luminal diameter of the resistance vessels. Indeed,<br />

there is rapid, active growth in the uterine arterial<br />

wall. The threefold increase in the internal radius<br />

of the uterine artery is not merely the result of passive<br />

dilatation, as wall thickness is unchanged; there<br />

is hypertrophy of its vascular smooth muscle and a<br />

decrease in its collagen fraction [39].<br />

Regulation of Uteroplacental Circulation<br />

The regulatory mechanisms that promote the described<br />

sequence of changes in uteroplacental blood<br />

flow by influencing the formation and growth of the<br />

uteroplacental blood flow are poorly understood. Putative<br />

regulatory agents include steroid hormones, angiogenic<br />

factors, growth factors, and other unknown<br />

substances of fetal or maternal origin.<br />

Steroid Hormones and Vasoactive Agents<br />

The uterine vasculature is sensitive to estrogens [37,<br />

40, 41]. Estradiol is a potent uterine vasodilator in<br />

nonpregnant sheep, and the magnitude of increase of<br />

uterine blood flow at early gestation can be produced<br />

by injecting estradiol into nonpregnant sheep. Exogenously<br />

administered estradiol also increased placental<br />

blood flow, although the observed percentage<br />

increase from baseline is not striking as it is in the<br />

nonpregnant state. Furthermore, the response to estradiol<br />

appears to be more pronounced during early<br />

pregnancy than at later pregnancy [37], suggesting<br />

that during later pregnancy the placental vasculature<br />

is almost maximally dilated. Uterine blood flow response<br />

to estrogen is probably mediated largely by<br />

nitric oxide (NO), which can stimulate production of<br />

vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and basic<br />

fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) [42, 43].<br />

The role of progesterone in regulating the development<br />

of uteroplacental circulation and the rate of<br />

uterine blood flow is even more complex. In the<br />

sheep, progesterone given in pharmacologic doses in-

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