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a Chapter 18 Doppler Ultrasound in the Diagnosis and Management of Intrauterine Growth Restriction 293<br />

References<br />

Fig. 18.15. Fetus from Fig. 18.14. High-resistance flow in<br />

the middle cerebral artery (loss of ªshuntingª?)<br />

Fig. 18.16. Markedly increased A wave and tricuspid regurgitation<br />

in the fetus from Figs. 18.14 and 18.15<br />

ated for IUGR. The estimated fetal weight was 1420 g<br />

(less than the 5th percentile) and there were no obvious<br />

anomalies seen on the ultrasound examination.<br />

The fetus had a non-reactive NST and received a<br />

score of 2 on the biophysical profile (only normal<br />

fluid). Doppler blood flow studies showed increased<br />

resistance in the umbilical artery but no CNS shunting,<br />

abnormal inferior vena cava flow, and tricuspid<br />

regurgitation. A viable male infant was delivered by<br />

cesarean section with Apgar scores of 2 and 6, an arterial<br />

pH of 7.15, and a pCO 2 of 61. Placental pathology<br />

showed hypoplasia with chronic infarction and<br />

decidual necrosis. No organisms were isolated. In this<br />

case significant uteroplacental dysfunction leading to<br />

IUGR and a compromised fetus was reflected in abnormal<br />

weight estimation, biophysical studies, and<br />

Doppler ultrasound. The combined use of these modalities<br />

enabled the clinicians to better evaluate the<br />

seriousness of the fetus' condition.<br />

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