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a Chapter 26 Doppler Velocimetry for Fetal Surveillance: Randomized Clinical Trials and Implications for Practice 399<br />

environment is judged to be greater than that from<br />

pulmonary immaturity.<br />

It should be noted that this management approach<br />

does not provide an answer for every contingency<br />

that may develop. The physician must individualize<br />

the care in the light of the myriad variations in the<br />

clinical situation. This recommendation should be<br />

used as a pragmatic guideline that integrates the new<br />

modality with the existing standards of fetal surveillance.<br />

As new evidence accumulates and our experience<br />

grows, these guidelines may contribute to the<br />

emergence of more effective standards of practice.<br />

Obviously, this plan of management requires refinement<br />

in the future so the issue of cost-effective integration<br />

of the various modalities of fetal monitoring<br />

in appropriate sequence and frequency may be addressed.<br />

Moreover, the utility of in-depth hemodynamic<br />

information, such as the middle cerebral arterial<br />

Doppler index and the cerebroplacental ratio, requires<br />

further investigation.<br />

Conclusion<br />

The development of Doppler sonography has made it<br />

feasible to assess the fetal and uteroplacental circulations.<br />

Numerous studies have established a significant<br />

association between abnormal Doppler indices and<br />

the various pregnancy disorders and adverse perinatal<br />

outcomes. Most clinical investigations suggest that,<br />

in high-risk pregnancies, umbilical arterial Doppler<br />

indices may be efficacious for predicting perinatal<br />

problems including fetal death. Many randomized<br />

trials on Doppler velocimetry have yielded positive<br />

results. Furthermore, systematic reviews of the trials<br />

by meta-analysis demonstrate a significant reduction<br />

in preventable fetal deaths. The current evidence<br />

mandates that Doppler velocimetry of the umbilical<br />

artery should be an integral component of fetal<br />

surveillance in pregnancies complicated with fetal<br />

growth restriction or preeclampsia. Obviously, no<br />

single testing modality should be regarded as the<br />

exclusive choice for fetal surveillance, as these tests<br />

reveal different aspects of fetal pathophysiology, often<br />

in a complementary manner.<br />

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