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saerTaSoriso samarTlis Jurnali, #1, 2008 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, N1, 2008<br />

ditions, which extremely decreases the number<br />

of such cases, when the citizen has a real<br />

opportunity to exercise diplomatic protection<br />

through his/her State.<br />

First most important requirement, related<br />

to the national bond between a State and victim,<br />

is not limited only to determine such bond.<br />

Moreover, shall be defined weather the form<br />

of obtaining nationality complies with the requirements<br />

of international law. Determination<br />

of the issue of nationality to be completely<br />

under the jurisdiction of a State is the most<br />

reasonable and logical. In this case, such incidents<br />

may be avoided when the citizen having<br />

tight national bond with the State throughout<br />

the years remains without protection only<br />

due to the fact that the form of obtaining citizenship<br />

contradicts to the requirements of international<br />

law.<br />

The issue of citizenship does not end with<br />

this. "The principle of continuous nationality"<br />

following to its vague content may create artificial<br />

problems for exercising diplomatic protection.<br />

Although, the existence of continuous<br />

nationality is certainly an essential mandatory<br />

precondition for exercising diplomatic protection,<br />

it is still unclear until which level the<br />

nationality shall be maintained. Application of<br />

such practice which requires the existence of<br />

national tie until the delivery of final judgment<br />

on the case or until its execution is extremely<br />

dangerous. In the institution of International<br />

Court, execution of justice is rather extended<br />

process. The years are required for only admissibility<br />

of some applications, not to mention<br />

the consideration of the case and delivery<br />

of final judgment, moreover the execution<br />

of this case. Throughout this entire period<br />

change of nationality by a person is not so<br />

unreal. By the strict protection of the principle<br />

of "continuous nationality" the citizen may lose<br />

the opportunity of protection in frames of international<br />

justice.<br />

Besides the abovementioned, there are<br />

numbers of other requirements and preconditions<br />

which shall be satisfied for the purposes<br />

of exercising diplomatic protection by the<br />

State, which may be, exhaustion of domestic<br />

remedies, determination of violation of international<br />

law in the action of the State, issues<br />

related to dual or multiple nationality, taking<br />

into consideration the features of exercise of<br />

diplomatic protection of natural and legal persons<br />

and their shareholders, relevant members<br />

and etc. Bearing into mind the multitude<br />

of all these conditions, and complexity in some<br />

cases, also the aims and interests of foreign<br />

policy of the State of nationality in certain<br />

cases,it is hard to discuss how real it is the<br />

expression of good will by the State on exercise<br />

of diplomatic protection.<br />

Finally, one more factor has to be taken<br />

into consideration, which has not been discussed<br />

in the main part of present paper just<br />

for the simple reason that it is related to the<br />

execution of decision of the international court<br />

and not directly connected to the legal mechanism<br />

of diplomatic protection. If the violation<br />

of international law by the State is established,<br />

this latter shall pay compensation to the injured<br />

State. Also in this case the State has discretion<br />

whether to pay the compensation received<br />

by the reparation to the violated victim<br />

or not. Commission on International Law left<br />

the issue open whether the State is obliged to<br />

pay that compensation to the injured person<br />

or no, which as form of compensation was received<br />

as a result of solving the dispute, initiated<br />

through exercising diplomatic protection,<br />

in favor of injured.<br />

Likewise all legal procedures, diplomatic<br />

protection certainly involves the satisfaction<br />

and performance of range of mandatory requirements,<br />

procedures and preconditions.<br />

Mentioned is rather logical and correct, however,<br />

diplomatic protection includes the obligation<br />

to protect numbers of minor terms, technical<br />

and formal procedures and requirements,<br />

which may raise artificial barriers for<br />

exercising this mechanism of protection. Diplomatic<br />

protection is a remedy for a State to<br />

protect its citizen against illegal action of the<br />

other country, as well as for citizens to achieve<br />

the reparation of violated law on international<br />

level. Thus, the main point while exercising<br />

diplomatic protection shall be the protection<br />

of rights and interests of the citizen and provision<br />

of proper satisfaction for the caused injuries.<br />

All formal, procedural and other kind<br />

of preconditions, which are necessary for exercising<br />

diplomatic protection, shall be exactly<br />

adjusted on this aim and idea.<br />

As we saw in the main part of the paper, in<br />

the filed of diplomatic protection positive and<br />

rather reliable trends are evident. The International<br />

Law Commission of the UN has made<br />

a great contribution in this direction and on<br />


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