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saerTaSoriso samarTlis Jurnali, #1, 2008 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, N1, 2008<br />

2. Military manures or study by exercising<br />

weapons of any kind;<br />

3. Activity aimed at collecting information to<br />

the prejudice of the defence or security of<br />

Georgia;<br />

4. Act of propaganda aimed at affecting the<br />

defence or security interests of Georgia;<br />

5. The launching or taking on board of any<br />

aircraft;<br />

6. The launching or taking on board of any<br />

military device;<br />

7. The loading or unloading of any commodity<br />

and currency or person contrary to the<br />

customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws<br />

and regulations;<br />

8. Wilful and serious pollution of marine environment;<br />

9. Fishing;<br />

10. The carrying out of scientific-research,<br />

survey or hydrographic activities;<br />

11. Act aimed at interfering with any systems<br />

of communication and electronic systems<br />

or other facilities or installations;<br />

12. Any other activity not having a direct bearing<br />

on innocent passage. 37<br />

However, the right of innocent passage<br />

does not restrict the jurisdiction of coastal<br />

States over such ships. In particular, the coastal<br />

State is entitled to adopt laws and establish<br />

regulations on navigation and navigational<br />

aids, as well as cables, living resources of the<br />

sea, fishing and other issues. 38 Throughout<br />

the innocent passage, all ships are obliged to<br />

perform and observe laws and regulations of<br />

a coastal State. But, the costal State shall not<br />

establish discriminative rules with respect to<br />

the flag or type of a ship. 39<br />

Following to the Convention, in exceptional<br />

cases the coastal State may suspend the<br />

rights of innocent passage in specified areas<br />

of its territorial sea for the purposes of security<br />

protection of its country, or during the military<br />

exercises. But, such suspension shall be<br />

done on non-discriminative basis and take<br />

effect only after having been duly published. 40<br />

Provisions of part XII of the Convention entitle<br />

the costal State to exercise executive jurisdiction<br />

over the ship violating the regulations<br />

on the protection of maritime environment. 41<br />

The costal state is not entitled to prevent passage<br />

unless a ship is polluting its territorial sea<br />

“wilfully and seriously”. Though, there is no any<br />

common criterion on the “serious” pollution and<br />

it depends on particular features of a coasts<br />

and legislation of the coastal State, since the<br />

later is entitled to adopt laws for the ships in<br />

the regime of innocent passage, regarding the<br />

environmental protection. Although, in accordance<br />

with the same Convention, the coastal<br />

State whilst exercising its legislative jurisdiction<br />

is not entitled to adopt laws, which in fact restricts<br />

the right to an innocent passage. 42 For<br />

the purposes of ensuring environmental protection,<br />

following to Article 22 of the Convention,<br />

the coastal State is entitled to establish<br />

sea lines and corridors for vessels ships, which<br />

shall be applied by the latter during the innocent<br />

passage.<br />

As regards to executive jurisdiction of<br />

coastal State, in accordance with paragraph<br />

2 of Article 220 of the Convention, a State is<br />

entitled to inspect or detain the ship, where<br />

the evidence warrants that while it was staying<br />

in its territorial sea has violated the laws<br />

of the State, regarding prevention, reduction<br />

and control of marine environment pollution<br />

from the vessels adopted on the basis of international<br />

law. However, the abovementioned<br />

regulation shall be applied to vessels in of innocent<br />

passage, without prejudice to Articles 24<br />

and 27.<br />

As it was stated above, in accordance with<br />

Article 24, in the process of exercising legislative<br />

jurisdiction, the coastal State shall not<br />

hamper the right of innocent passage. Article<br />

27 provides for the terms of exercising criminal<br />

jurisdiction on the territorial sea that will<br />

be discussed below in more details.<br />

During the innocent passage, regulations<br />

adopted by the coastal State on introduction<br />

of permit system for innocent passage of vessel<br />

may be considered as an expression of<br />

State sovereignty. Especially it refers to warships<br />

and nuclear-powered ships. 43<br />

Regarding to the criminal jurisdiction over<br />

the territorial sea, Article 26 of the Convention<br />

grants the State with the right to exercise<br />

it only in three cases.<br />

Firss case concerns the commitment of a<br />

crime on a board of a ship in innocent passage,<br />

if:<br />

1. The consequences of the crime extend to<br />

the coastal State;<br />

2. The crime is of a kind to disturb the peace<br />

of the coastal State and/or the good order<br />

in its territorial sea;<br />

3. The assistance of the local authorities has<br />

been requested by the captain of the ship<br />


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