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saerTaSoriso samarTlis Jurnali, #1, 2008 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, N1, 2008<br />

its boat or crew members in illegal activities in<br />

this zones is a good reason for the coastal<br />

State to exercise the hot pursuit.<br />

In ‘the Araunah’ case the British Government<br />

noted that, although, the Canadian fishing<br />

vessel was not in the territorial sea and<br />

was not participating in illegal fishing, its detention<br />

was justified because its sailors entered<br />

in the territorial sea of Russia by the<br />

boats and were fishing. 51<br />

A Persuing ship may take any necessary<br />

and reasonable measure to detain the guilty<br />

ship. However, each country establishes its<br />

own regulations regarding the procedure of<br />

detention of a guilty ship and person within<br />

the scopes of its jurisdiction. 52 On the other<br />

hand the compensation for any damage<br />

caused as a result of illegal pursuit or illegal<br />

use of force is established. 53<br />

Some authors deem that, the right of hot<br />

pursuit is a privilege 54 which is granted to the<br />

coastal State in case of violation of double<br />

obligations by the offender ship. First, when<br />

ship violates the local laws, and the second<br />

when it refuses to surrender to local competent<br />

authorities. 55<br />

While it is hot pursuit and it continues on<br />

the high sea the issue of its conclusion does<br />

not depend on time and place. But if there is<br />

no special entitling agreement, the pursuit<br />

shall end when the pursued ship crosses the<br />

outer boarder of the territorial sea of any State<br />

other then the persuing State. 56<br />

Article 111.3 of the Convention strictly<br />

determines that the hot pursuit ceases and<br />

not temporarily terminates when the ship pursued<br />

enters the territorial sea of any other<br />

State. In other words perusing ship shall not<br />

have a right to wait when the pursued ship<br />

leaves the territorial sea. 57<br />

Pursuit may be exercised only by a warship<br />

or an aircraft or a specially authorized<br />

ship for these purposes (ships of coast<br />

guards). Location of the pursued vessel for<br />

the moment of commencement of pursuit is<br />

less important, as it is not necessary for it to<br />

be in the territorial sea or the contiguous zone<br />

for the moment of commencement of pursuit.<br />


The Convention managed to establish<br />

more or less acceptable, universal regime for<br />

everyone, when the territorial sovereignty of<br />

coastal State on the one hand, and freedom<br />

of navigation on the other hand are balanced.<br />

As it is noted in the commentary of the USA, it<br />

establishes the balance between the coastal<br />

and maritime interests with respect to all maritime<br />

zones. 58<br />

First of all this balance has ensured popularity<br />

of the Convention both in developed<br />

and developing States. This once again is<br />

proved in the address of the US President to<br />

the Senate, where it is noted that, The United<br />

State has a basic and long term national interest<br />

in the oceans and gradually came to<br />

the opinion that complete protection of this<br />

interests can be best achieved by universally<br />

recognized international frame agreement,<br />

which manages the application of the seas. 59<br />

The convention has introduced new Articles<br />

that have significantly extended the jurisdiction<br />

of the coastal State not only in the internal<br />

waters and the territorial seas, but also<br />

in other maritime zones. In particular, the norms<br />

relating to the protection of maritime environment<br />

is implied. Traditional scope of jurisdiction<br />

of the coastal State, mainly limited with<br />

criminal law jurisdiction, has been significantly<br />

extended with the jurisdiction of environmental<br />

protection. Moreover, it may be easily said<br />

that exactly this area is the most unified and<br />

effective among all jurisdictions exercised by<br />

the coastal States.<br />

And finally the Convention not only grants<br />

the coastal States the jurisdiction over the<br />

maritime zones, but gives an opportunity to<br />

actually execute this jurisdiction, in particular<br />

by granting the right of hot pursuit.<br />

1<br />

Implied the date of signature of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.<br />

2<br />

Please see ”A Constitution for the Oceans” Remark by Tommy T.B. Koh, of Singapore,<br />

President of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea.<br />

3<br />

Hereafter “Convention”.<br />

4<br />

Please see. Bernaert’s Guide to the 1982 United Nations Convention of the Law<br />

of the Sea, Arnd Bernaerts, Trafford Publishing, 2006. p. 9.<br />


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