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saerTaSoriso samarTlis Jurnali, #1, 2008 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, N1, 2008<br />

from the ship. In relation to American Ship<br />

“Tempset” particular amendment has been<br />

made into this rule, when in Havre Port the<br />

assistant to the captain has killed one of the<br />

crew members and wounded another one.<br />

In this case the Court exercised the jurisdiction,<br />

since the incident has disturbed the<br />

peace. 16<br />

Anglo-American approach implies that in<br />

case of nonexistence of relevant agreement,<br />

each State shall exercise its jurisdiction over<br />

its internal waters. English courts, in the internal<br />

waters of Great Britain declare complete<br />

jurisdiction over the crew of ships of foreign<br />

States. In “Regina v. Cunningham” case three<br />

American sailors were punished for assault on<br />

other sailor on a board of a ship, which was<br />

anchoring nearby the coasts of England – because<br />

the crime was committed on the territory<br />

of England. 17<br />

The assertion of the fact that the merchant<br />

ship shall be considered as a “sailing” territory<br />

of flag State was resulting in conflict between<br />

jurisdictions. However, this postulate is<br />

unreasonable especially, in so called “open<br />

registers” era. Even in 1923 (this idea) was<br />

refused by the Supreme Court of the USA in<br />

Cunard S.S. Co. v. Mellon case. Statement<br />

sometimes made that a merchant ship is a part<br />

of the territory of the country whose flag she<br />

flies. But this, as has been aptly observed, is a<br />

figure of speech, a metaphor, is mainly applicable<br />

to ships on the high seas, where there<br />

is no territorial sovereign, and as respects<br />

ships in foreign territorial waters, it has little<br />

application beyond what is affirmatively or tacitly<br />

permitted by the local sovereign. 18<br />

However, the abovementioned does not<br />

mean that jurisdiction of a flag State is completely<br />

terminated, when the ship is in the internal<br />

waters of a foreign State. In this case<br />

so called “parallel jurisdictions” may be operating.<br />

For example, the Court of the United<br />

States in Benz v. Compania Naviera Hidalgo,<br />

S.A. case established that, on dispute between<br />

a foreign employer and a foreign crew the law<br />

of the USA shall not be extended in the internal<br />

waters of the latter in case when the only<br />

American connection was that the ship was in<br />

transit passage in the United States port. 19<br />

Though, when the ship is staying in the USA<br />

waters for a certain period, it is loading and/<br />

or unloading in the ports of the USA, the claimant<br />

is the Citizen of the USA, the legislation of<br />

the USA shall definitely extend over the ship. 20<br />

In case of agrave crime, only the fact that<br />

a ship is standing in the port is a sufficient<br />

ground for exercising the jurisdiction. This<br />

approach has been noted in “Wildenhus”<br />

case, when a crew member of the Belgium ship<br />

killed another member while the ship was<br />

standing in one of the ports of the USA. 21<br />

In accordance to the legislation of Georgia<br />

if the crime is committed on the territory of<br />

Georgia (including the internal waters) the<br />

criminal jurisdiction of Georgia shall be applied.<br />

22 However in the bilateral agreements it<br />

is noted that of the criminal law jurisdiction of<br />

Georgia extends over the ships of foreign<br />

States in the ports of Georgia if: the results of<br />

the crime extends on the territory of Georgia,<br />

the security of the country in under the risk,<br />

the crime is committed by the citizen of Georgia<br />

or against him/her, or it is connected to<br />

the illegal traffic of narcotics drugs. Georgia<br />

has concluded such bilateral agreements with<br />

Greece, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Russia, Cyprus,<br />

Turkey, etc. 23<br />

As it is obvious from the aforementioned<br />

examples, the States do not interfere in internal<br />

regulation of the ship, in labour and civil<br />

disputes between the crew members.<br />

In a viewpoint of exercising jurisdiction, in<br />

passed decades the issues of environment<br />

protection acquired paramount importance. If<br />

we take into consideration that the coastal<br />

area – the most productive area of the sea –<br />

is mostly infringed by the harmful influence on<br />

the marine environment, 24 it does not astonish<br />

that upon the exercise of the jurisdiction<br />

by the States, the most importance is given to<br />

the issues of protection of environment.<br />

Problem regarding the protection of marine<br />

environment especially gained its importance<br />

from 60 th -70 th of XX century. In this respect<br />

in parallel with the increase of obligation<br />

of a flag State the right of a coastal State<br />

to control the marine environment under its<br />

jurisdiction, and exercise not only legislative,<br />

but executive jurisdiction, which is very important,<br />

is also increasing.<br />

Although, there are numbers of sources, 25<br />

in the sphere of the present research only<br />

marine pollution from the ships is envisaged.<br />

Part XII of the Convention is devoted to the<br />

protection of environment. 26<br />


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