Environmental Impact Statement - Sonoma Land Trust

Environmental Impact Statement - Sonoma Land Trust

Environmental Impact Statement - Sonoma Land Trust


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California Department of Fish and Game<br />

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service<br />

Section 3.3. Water Quality<br />

c. waters to exceed the following quality limits at any time during<br />

construction activities:<br />

i) Dissolved oxygen: 5.0 mg/l minimum. When natural factors cause<br />

lesser concentrations, then this discharge shall not cause further<br />

reductions in the concentration of dissolved oxygen.<br />

ii) Dissolved sulfide: 0.1 mg/l maximum.<br />

iii) pH: A variation of natural ambient pH by more than 0.5 pH units.<br />

iv) Toxic or other deleterious substances: None shall be present in<br />

concentrations or quantities which may cause deleterious effects on<br />

aquatic biota, wildlife, or waterfowl, or which render any of these unfit<br />

for human consumption either at levels created in the receiving waters or<br />

as a result of biological concentrations.<br />

2. The concentrations of chemicals of concern, as found in grab samples taken<br />

no more than 100 feet beyond the Project Boundary, shall not exceed the<br />

Receiving Water Limits unless it can be shown that site conditions are not<br />

significantly different from ambient concentrations of those chemicals (as<br />

measured in the open waters of San Pablo Bay.<br />

Monitoring – SLT or its contractors shall monitor background turbidity, total<br />

suspended solids, dissolved oxygen, dissolved sulfide, pH and temperature levels<br />

once daily at a location at least 300 yards from dredging activity. Monitoring<br />

during dredging for these constituents shall be done every two hours at a point<br />

no more than 100 feet outside the Project Boundary to ensure water quality<br />

concentrations do not exceed the receiving water standards. Two turbidity<br />

meters shall be used: one no more than 100 feet beyond the Project Boundary<br />

and one in a suitable reference location located at least 300 yards from<br />

construction activity.<br />

Remedial Action – Where monitoring indicates exceedance of the receiving<br />

water standards above for more than four hours continuously or for 8 hours in<br />

any one week, then dredging activity shall be suspended until turbidity levels fall<br />

below exceedance levels for a minimum of 4 hours. Additionally, SLT or its<br />

contractors shall take efforts to avert the repeat of the exceedance. This may<br />

require changing the pace of dredging or reconfiguration of silt curtains or other<br />

measures, as necessary.<br />

Alternative requirements established in conditions of permits issued by USACE<br />

and RWQCB that are certified as protective of water quality by these agencies<br />

will be considered the functional equivalent of the requirements listed above.<br />

Conclusion: Less than Significant with mitigation.<br />

Sears Point Wetland and Watershed Restoration<br />

Project Final <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong><br />

Report/<strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Statement</strong><br />

3.3-22<br />

April 2012

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