Environmental Impact Statement - Sonoma Land Trust

Environmental Impact Statement - Sonoma Land Trust

Environmental Impact Statement - Sonoma Land Trust


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California Department of Fish and Game<br />

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service<br />

Section 3.5. Biological Resources<br />

San Pablo Bay (Beamesderfer et. al. 2004). Furthermore, no green sturgeon<br />

were captured in Tolay Creek (Takekawa et. al. 2002).<br />

Due to the small number of green sturgeon captured in San Pablo Bay and none<br />

in Tolay Creek where most dredging is occurring, it is less likely that green<br />

sturgeon would become entrained. If sturgeon were attracted to the dredging<br />

sites, some could become entrained in the dredger; however, based on the results<br />

of the CDFG survey, the number of potentially affected sturgeon is anticipated to<br />

be low.<br />

Mitigation Measure BIO-MM-12 restricts construction to months when juvenile<br />

salmonids and juvenile long fin smelt will not be present in the Action area.<br />

However, green sturgeon and adult longfin smelt are expected to occur during<br />

any month of the year in San Pablo Bay. Mitigation Measure BIO-MM-12 may<br />

also requires use of silt curtains for any dredging in Tolay Creek (i.e., if breaches<br />

to Tolay Creek are constructed using dredging equipment) to minimize potential<br />

entrainment of Green sturgeon. Implementation of Mitigation Measure BIO-<br />

MM-12 would reduce potential impacts to special status fish species, including<br />

green sturgeon, juvenile salmonids, and longfin smelt, to a less than significant<br />

level.; however, complete avoidance of take may not occur and thus impacts<br />

related to Green Sturgeon may be significant and unavoidable.<br />

Mitigation Measure BIO-MM-12: Avoid Construction in Tidal Aquatic<br />

Habitats when Rearing Salmonids and Longfin Smelt could be<br />

Present; Utilize Silt Curtains for dredging to Minimize Entrainment<br />

SLT shall, to the extent feasible, avoid construction activities that could affect<br />

tidal aquatic habitats (e.g., construction associated with lowering the perimeter<br />

levee and excavating tidal channels through the outboard salt marsh) during<br />

periods when rearing juvenile salmonids, and juvenile longfin smelt could be<br />

present (typically November thru June May thru September). If construction<br />

activities must occur during periods when these species could be present, SLT<br />

shall consult with NMFS and CDFG to determine what, if any, additional<br />

conservation measures may be required to allow construction to proceed. Any<br />

Ddredging in associated with the breaches to Tolay Creek shall may be done<br />

within silt curtains to minimize the potential entrainment of green sturgeon. If<br />

hydraulic dredging is utilized to excavate the Connector Channel and Breach 1,<br />

then the associated pump size would be limited to no more than 10 inches in<br />

order to restrict the approach velocity to a level unlikely to entrain green sturgeon<br />

in the area. To minimize the potential of taking longfin smelt, the following<br />

minimization measures shall be implemented: dredging may proceed anywhere<br />

when water temperature exceeds 22 degrees Celsius, and if water temperature is<br />

less than 22 degrees Celsius, no dredging shall occur in water less than 2 parts<br />

per thousand between December 1 and June 30; downstream of the 2 parts per<br />

thousand salinity contour the dredge shall be primed and cleared within 3 feet of<br />

the bottom between December 1 and June 30 and within three feet of the surface<br />

between July 1 and November 30, and dredge operation in the water column<br />

above the substrate shall be minimized.<br />

Sears Point Wetland and Watershed Restoration<br />

Project Final <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong><br />

Report/<strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Statement</strong><br />

3.5-54<br />

April 2012

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