Environmental Impact Statement - Sonoma Land Trust

Environmental Impact Statement - Sonoma Land Trust

Environmental Impact Statement - Sonoma Land Trust


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California Department of Fish and Game<br />

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service<br />

Section 3.11. Air Quality<br />

CEQA Air Quality Guidelines (BAAQMD 1999). These guidelines were in<br />

effect at the time the NOP was issued for this EIR/S, and provide the significance<br />

thresholds as well as relevant mitigation measures. BAAQMD passed a<br />

resolution adopting revised thresholds of significance (BAAQMD 2010a) and<br />

associated Air Quality Guidelines (BAAQMD 2010b) in June 2010, after the<br />

DEIR/S was published. The resolution adopting the new thresholds of<br />

significance specifically states that it is the policy of the BAAQMD that the new<br />

thresholds of significance apply for Notices of Preparation issued and<br />

environmental analyses begun on or after [emphasis added] the date the<br />

resolution was passed. Therefore, consistent with the resolution adopting the<br />

revised thresholds of significance, this document continues to follow the 1999<br />

BAAQMD guidelines in effect at the time of the NOP. BAAQMD’s approach to<br />

analysis of construction impacts in the 1999 guidelines emphasizes<br />

implementation of effective and comprehensive control measures rather than<br />

detailed quantification of emissions (Bay Area Air Quality Management District<br />

1999). However, because of the requirement to prepare a general conformity<br />

analysis as required by EPA , a quantitative evaluation of construction-related<br />

emissions was conducted.<br />

<strong>Impact</strong> Mechanisms<br />

<strong>Impact</strong>s analyzed in this document include onsite construction emissions and<br />

emissions due to visitor or maintenance activity after the restoration activity is<br />

completed.<br />

Construction of the proposed wetland restoration may generate significant air<br />

emissions. Terrestrial construction-related emissions are generally short term but<br />

may still cause adverse air quality impacts. PM10 is the pollutant of greatest<br />

concern with respect to terrestrial construction activities. PM10 emissions can<br />

result from a variety of construction activities, including excavation, grading,<br />

demolition, vehicle travel on paved and unpaved roads, and emission of vehicle<br />

and equipment exhaust. Terrestrial construction-related emissions of PM10 can<br />

vary greatly depending on the level of activity, the specific operations taking<br />

place, the equipment being operated, local soils, weather conditions and other<br />

factors. Construction-related emissions can cause substantial increases in<br />

localized concentrations of PM10. Particulate emissions from construction<br />

activities can lead to adverse health effects, as well as nuisance concerns such as<br />

reduced visibility and soiling of exposed surfaces (Bay Area Air Quality<br />

Management District 1999).<br />

The quantification of construction emissions was performed using the URBEMIS<br />

(Urban Emissions) 2007 (Version 9.2.2) model. URBEMIS 9.2.2 relies on ARB,<br />

EPA and air district emissions factors to estimate typical emissions (construction,<br />

area source, and vehicular) associated with land use development projects. This<br />

ARB-approved model is widely recommended and used by many California air<br />

districts for calculating emissions from a variety of projects.<br />

Sears Point Wetland and Watershed Restoration<br />

Project Final <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong><br />

Report/<strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Statement</strong><br />

3.11-14<br />

April 2012

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